
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Help Not in Egypt but in God

========     Today I looked at a tree, noticing how old the tree was; It's Trunk had age to it yet it was tall and beautiful. My eyes pierced straight at it's many branches, then my thoughts turned to the Main branches. They stood tall and elegant in the wind with big and wide directions.
     As I looked again at the many endless smaller branches, the thought came to me that oftentimes, we are so busy looking at the outer appearance of a thing that we never truly consider it's Roots or what is 'hidden' underneath. I had never considered the roots of that tree, only how tall it stood and how many endless branches from previous branches all the way back 2 the Main Branches, they were as endless as the stars in the sky that I could not count as the sun was going down.
     Baby leaves of the new Spring season had formed but still the bare branches were visible in the evening orange-blue sky as darkness was rapidly coming. I sat in quietness just thinking about those roots and my limited amount of knowledge concerning the 'needs' of that tree. What stories it could tell, if it could only speak 2 me, I kept thinking 2 myself. Still in one 4x4 spot of the same Earth yet blooming where it stood. No fruit had formed yet and it was already capturing my attention. The freedom I felt in the openness of it's branches and how each one was attached 2 it's counterpart. It was then my rememberance came back 2 understanding that the roots of a tree was just as wide and deep underneath, and I envisioned a clear ground from which I could 'see' in my mind the whole tree from top 2 bottom, it looked like an Hour-Glass figure 2 me. How beautiful it was! So much came 2 my mind I decided 2 investigate it more.

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