
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anger Is A Choice

=========        It is easy 2 understand God our Maker, when we look at Nature. We all have our special favorite Season. Whether it is Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter and the endless reasons why. Within these Seasons we find each beginning and ending, but it's continuation in the next Season. Like Mr Winter giving in to Miss Spring;. Separate yet a part of the whole picture of. It is there we begin our Journey into understanding God, our Father of all Life, who we are and those around us we cherish.

         The Rainbow is more than just a pretty object 2 look at after a rain storm; within it's brilliant colors, in SEED form, is hidden all the characteristics of our God and who we are made from. Consider 4 example the 3 major colors. Red, Yellow and Blue. Now think about the other 3 colors, Green which is an equal mixing of Yellow and Blue. Peach that comes from mixing Red and Yellow, and also our Purples from mixing Red and Blues. Life would be strange without one of these colors, imagine the world without green grass or green leafy trees. Or no yellow sunshine. So our journey into our Personalities of our weaknesses and our strengths; in a FUN and wonderful way, begins here, in learning more about Papa-God and how very special and loved u truly are!

The 4 Basic Temperaments
=====================       Made up of the traits we inherit at conception, temperament is influenced later by childhood training, education, life  experiences, environment, and both human and spiritual motivation.  The best theory of temperament was proposed by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago. He suggested that people fit into 4 basic categories: The Sanguine Super-Extrovert Salesman, The Choleric Extrovert strong-willed Leader, The Melancholy Introvert Perfectionist, and  The Phlegmatic Super-Introvert Passavist.  Although variations have been suggested, this theory is disseminated today very similar 2 it's original form.  Perhaps the Key addition is that no one fits perfectly into one of Hippocrates' molds, 4 people tend 2 represent a blend of 2 or more of these temperaments.  This seems 2b a reasonable corollary, since they show physical characteristics of both The Father and The Mother.

        Most people tend 2b predominantly one temperament with slight traits of another.  It is not uncommon 4 a person to be 80 percent Sanguine and 20 percent Phlegmatic, or 70 percent Choleric and 30 percent Melancholic.  There is no end of variations and percentages these traits may produce. One man who was tested proved to be about 60 percent Sanguine, 20 percent Melancholy, and 20 percent Phlegmatic.

Temperament and Transformed Temperaments
===================================        The analysis of Human Temperament is one of the most fascinating subjects I have ever studied.  Although it is tempting to launch into a comprehensive discussion of it, I must deal only with the basics here. Lets look at the Basic 4:

The Sanguine and Anger
= The Sanguine Temperament breeds a warm, friendly, and outgoing person who draws people 2 himself like a magnet.  He is a good talker, a happy-go-lucky optimist, the 'life-of-the-party."  Thought generous and compassionate, responsive 2 his surroundings and 2 the moods or feelings of others, like the other temperaments he features some natural weaknesses.  He is often weak-willed, emotionally unstable and explosive, restless and egotistical.  Voted 'most likely 2 succeed" in his youth, he rarely measures up 2 expectations.  He has great difficulty following through on details and is almost never quiet.  Beneath his bold exterior he is often insecure and fearful.  Sanguines make good salesmen, speakers, actors, and sometimes leaders.
     A Sanguine is rarely depressed in-the-company of others.  He is such a response-oriented person that the sight of another individual usually lifts his spirits and brings a smile 2 his face.  Whatever periods of depression he does experience almost invariably occur when he is alone.
     Many undisciplined sanguines experience anger.  Their lack of discipline and weakness of will has usually made them rather unproductive, much 2 their chagrin and self-disappointment.  They are also prone 2 obesity because of their inability 2 refuse fattening desserts and other delicacies. This lowers their self-esteem and heightens their tendency toward angry expressions.  Although they usually go through the motions of responding happily 2 other people, their tendency toward anger will increase.   One writer likened them 2 Peter Pan. . . they wish never 2 grow-up.  Although they are well-liked and attractive, they are undependable and without real substance.
     Sanguine individuals have a strong tendency 2b disorganized and unproductive.  You have probably heard about the sanguine businessman who rushed into the airport and up 2 the ticket counter and said, "Give me a ticket quick!"  To which the clerk replied, " A ticket 2 where, sir?"  "Anywhere," said the businessman. "I've got business all over."
     Their anger is of the "hot-flash" variety. They can explode faster than any other temperament. One thing about their anger, though, is that once they have exploded, they forget all about it . .  you don't, but they do. They rarely get ulcers . . . they give them 2 everyone else.
     As these charming sanguines who often act like overgrown children become aware of their own shallowness, their insecurities are heightened.  They become defensive, sensitive 2 slights or criticism, almost obsessed w/others' opinions of them.  It is not uncommon 4 them 2 become angry at this point.  They may even blame their parents 4 indulging them so much in childhood that they never developed self-discipline, but it is very difficult 4 them 2 blame themselves, confess their sin, and seek the filling of the Holy Spirit 4 the strength of character they so desperately need.
     If they do not  face their problem realistically and learn 2 walk in the Spirit , they will fluctuate up and down between anger  and happiness 4 a time until, in some childlike way, they make the mental adjustment and then go through life fixed in a playful position far beneath their level of potential.
     Spirit-filled sanguines are different!  The Holy Spirit convicts them that their angry thought patterns are sin, and guides them 2 those areas of productivity that make it easier 4 them 2 accept and appreciate themselves.  When a sanguine is filled w/the Spirit, like the Apostle Peter in the Book of Acts, he or she becomes a productive and effective person not overwhelmed w/anger.

The Choleric and Anger
= The Choleric temperament produces a practical activist.  He is strong-willed, a natural leader, and very optimistic.  His brain is filled w/ideas, projects, or objectives, and he usually sees them through.  Like Mr Sanguine he is Extrovert,  but not nearly so intense.  Although very productive in life, he reflects serious natural weaknesses.  He is self-sufficient, impetuous, and hot-tempered, and he tends 2b harsh or cruel.  In fact, no one can be as cutting and sarcastic as a choleric.  He makes a good supervisor, general, builder, crusader, politician, or organizer, but he is not usually able 2 do precise detail work.
     The choleric rarely becomes depressed, primarily because his active, goal-conscious mind keeps him so motivated that he projects fourteen different programs simultaneously.  If one of them proves baffling or frustrating, his disappointment is short-lived and he quickly pursues a fresh challenge.  Cholerics are happy when busy, and thus they have little time 2b depressed.  Their primary frustration in life is that there are not enough hours in the day 2 engage in their endless supply of goals and objectives.
     Cholerics have a strong will are  very determined individuals.  U may recall the story of  the sanguine man married 2 his choleric wife. One day she came 2 her husband and said, "Henry, I want 2 buy a pair of scissors." Henry replied, "We cant afford them." The conversation went on like this: "But I want them." "I said no!" "But I need them." "The answer is no." "Henry, I need those scissors!"
     Henry responded, "Woman, if u say one more word about those scissors, I am going 2 take u outside and dump u down into the well." "Scissors," said the choleric wife.  Henry then jumped up, grabbed her, and took her outside 2 the well. "Woman, if u promise not 2 say one more word about  scissors, I will not throw u down the well."  "SCISSORS!" she replied.
     "Okay, u asked 4 it!" With that Henry tied a rope on his wife and lowered her into the well. When she was half-way down, he said, "If u promise not 2 say anything about scissors, I'll pull u back up." "SCISSORS!" came the echo from the well.
     "That did it!" said Henry. He let go of the rope, and his wife's head disappeared under  water.  As Henry peered into the well, the only thing he could see was his choleric wife's hand sticking out of the water. The first two fingers of her hand were moving back and forth in a scissors-like motion.  Choleric individuals are very strong-willed and determined.
     The rejection or insults that often set off other temperaments into periods of depression never faze a choleric.  He is so thick-skinned, self-sufficient, and independent by nature that he rarely feels the need 4 other people.  Instead of feeling sorry 4 himself when alone, he spends the time originating new plans.
     Emotionally he is the most underdeveloped of all the temperaments.  For that reason he usually experiences very slight mood changes.  Although he quickly becomes angry, he rarely indulges in self-pity. Instead, he explodes all over everyone else.  Because he is so insensitive 2 a person's opinion of him, he is not vulnerable 2 depression brought on by others.  If a choleric ever battles depression, it will come as a result of frustration or retreat.
     Unless he achieves victory over his anger early in life, the unforgiving by nature and consequently usually has  ulcers by the time he is 40 years old.  He is the one temperament that both gets and gives ulcers.
     As a Christian, the choleric must learn 2 rest in the Lord and commit his way 2 Him.  An indomitable will and spirit of self-sufficiency often cause him 2b a useless, unproductive Christian because he insists on doing everything in the flesh instead of the Spirit.  If he does successfully promote Christan activities, his pride makes him spiritually myopic and he fails 2 discern his carnal motivation.
     The peace of the Holy Spirit that passes all understanding will modulate his thinking pattern, causing him 2 concentrate on the Lord first and then on the task.  He must learn that God's program does not depend on him; rather, he needs 2  depend on God.  He must further recognize that fulfilling the work of God is not enough; he must do it in the power of the Spirit.  As the Bible says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts" [Zechariah 4:6].  The Apostle Paul, possibly the best illustration of a Spirit-filled choleric used of God, had learned this well, 4 he said, "When I am weak, then I am strong" [2Corinthians 12:10].
     The flesh-filled choleric Christian can become angry until he realizes this principle, because he gets frustrated by the lack of spiritual results from his hard-driving, fleshly efforts.  Instead of blaming himself 4 his carnal, self-willed spirit, he may swell up in self-pity and withdraw from his church activities.
     A choleric's carnal spirit is often easily discerned by others in the congregation, and thus he may be bypassed when officers are elected.  "I dont understand," he complains. "Isn't my hard work sufficient proof of my devotion 2 Christ?"  Happy is the choleric who learns w/James 2 say, "If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that" [James 4:15].  If he seeks the priorities of the will of God through the leading  of the Holy Spirit in his life, he will be not only more productive, but also more composed.  When once he comprehends that walking in the Spirit is the secret 2 spiritual productivity, he will  gain consistency in his Christian life.
    The ability of the Holy Spirit 2 transform a choleric tendency 2 anger is illustrated superbly in the life of the Apostle Paul.  If ever a man was an illustration of choleric temperament, it was Saul of Tarsus b4 he became a Christian, renamed Paul.  After his conversion, his indomitable choleric will directed by the Holy Spirit surged forward throughout the events related in the Book of Acts.
     Paul 's response 2 confinement offers a classic illustration of circumstances overcome through the invasion of man's spiritual nature by the Holy Spirit.  Confined 2 the cold, clammy Mamertine Prison in Rome 4 preaching the Gospel, he manifested not one sign of self-pity.  Instead, this dynamic Christian took advantage of the opportunity 2 share his faith personally w/every new Roman soldier assigned 2 him as a guard.  So many of these men  were converted that he addressed the church of Rome, "All the saints salute u, chiefly they that are of Caesar's household" [Philippians 4:22].
     In addition, from this prison he penned the prison epistles, including the epistle of Joy called the letter 2 the Philippians, in which he stated, "I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith 2b content" [4:11]. Even Spirit -filled cholerics can have victory over angry outbursts.

The Melancholy and Anger
= The richest of all temperaments is the melancholy. Rich not only in gifts and esthetic appreciation, it has the capacity 2 experience the entire spectrum of emotional mood fluctuations.  It is also rich in emotional weaknesses, particularly in the tendency 2 become angry and depressed.  Some of the world's greatest Geniuses have been gifted melancholies who squandered their talent in the slough of despondency, becoming apathetic and unproductive.  This is so much in evidence that the ancients frequently used the words melancholy and depression interchangeably.
     The melancholy is usually the most talented of all temperaments.  A natural perfectionist, very sensitive and appreciative of  the fine arts, he is analytical and self-sacrificing. As a rule he is not outgoing by nature and rarely pushes himself forward, but he makes a very faithful friend.  However, he tends 2b moody, critical, pessimistic, and self-centered.  The world's great artists, composers, philosophers, inventors, and theoreticians have usually been melancholies.
     Although everyone is vulnerable 2 his own thinking pattern, none is more responsive than the melancholy.  Among his other creative gifts, he harbors a great ability 2 suggest images 2 the screen of his imagination--probably in living color w/stereophonic sound.  Because melancholies are moody by nature, they may regard their moods result directly from thinking patterns.  If a melancholy guards his thought processes and refuses 2 indulge in the mental sins of anger, resentment, self-persecution, and self-pity, he will not yield 2 his predisposition toward depression.
     One day several friends and I were dining in a restaurant. Suddenly a melancholy college-aged man w/a gaunt look appeared at the edge of our table and asked, "Pardon me, but may I ask u folks if u were laughing at me?" Naturally we were shocked into silence.  Finally I said, "Young man, I don't think we've ever seen u b4 in our lives." With that he excused himself and walked away.  Reflecting on the incident, we concluded that during our laughter and conversation, we must have looked in his direction, which gave this troubled young man the impression that we were laughing at his expense.  Equally as substantial are many of the depression- causing events in the life of the average melancholy.
Melancholy Perfectionists
=================  Melancholies often are easily depressed because they are perfectionists. Most people could profit by having more perfectionist tendencies, but the true perfectionist is made miserable by them.  In the first place, he measures himself by his own arbitrary standard of perfection and becomes discouraged w/himself when he falls short.  The fact that his standard is usually so high that neither he nor anyone else could live by it rarely occurs 2 him or her.  Instead, he/she insists that their criterion 4 perfection is 'realistic."
     In addition 2 perfectionism he also is very conscientious and prides himself on being "dependable" and "accurate."  Naturally all of his friends fall short of this standard, so it is not uncommon 4 him 2 become angry about himself and his associates. Very rigid and inflexible, he finds it difficult 2 tolerate the slightest deviation from what he considers 2b the measure of excellence.
     Such perfectionist-prone melancholies can love their children dearly while at the same time becoming angry w/them. Children are notoriously disorganized and unpredictable; they follow their own schedules and insist on acting  like children. A rigid melancholy parent finds it difficult 2 cope w/such unpredictability and consequently may experience anger.  Sometimes  a melancholy mother may become ambivalent,loving her children intensely while at the same time being filled w/anger and bitterness toward them.  The carefree, happy-go-lucky tyke who insists on trekking across the clean kitchen floor in muddy boots can be a source of irritation 2 any mother, particularly 2 a melancholy. B4 she was married, she probably could not retire 4 the night until her shoes were lined up properly and the bathroom was in perfect order.  Children automatically change that, but  perfectionists find it difficult 2 cope w/such change; consequently, depression is their outlet.  They become angered at the lack of perfection in others and indulge in self-pity because they are the only ones striving 4 lofty goals.  Such thought patterns invariably produce anger.
     In fairness 2 melancholy people, we note that they are as critical of themselves as they are of others. Consequently they tend 2 develop an inadequate view of themselves.  From early childhood they construct a
disparaging self-image on the screen of their imagination.  As they get older, they tend 2 reject themselves even more, unlike some of the other temperaments who learn 2 accept themselves.  If they were permitted 2 verbalize their criticisms in childhood, they are apt 2 be verbally critical in adulthood.  Each time they indulge in oral criticism, they only embed the spirit of criticism more deeply in their mind, and critics are never happy people!
     One day I had an opportunity 2 C this principle in action.  As I was passing through the security screening b4 boarding a plane, the security officer was criticizing the individuals who flew on that airline as 'slovenly, inconsiderate, disoraganized, and ungrateful people."  I took it just about as long as I could, but finally, looking at him w/a big smile [I find one can say almost anything if he smiles], I observed, "You must be an unhappy man!"
     He looked at me rather startled and replied, "Why do u say that?"  "Because u are so critical.  I have never met a happy person wo is a critical person."  After inspecting my baggage, the officer said, "Thank you, sir, I needed that."  To my amazement he turned  the next customer and said, "Hello, how are u?  So glad  have u on our airline."  I dont know how long the officer will profit from that experience, but I am certain he is capable of making himself happy or miserable in direct proportion 2 the way he thinks of and talks 2 people.

Self-Sacrifice and Persecution-Proneness
==============================     Two characteristics of the melancholy short-circuit each other: the natural desire 2b self-sacrificing and the self-persecution tendency. Unless the melancholy is careful, this conflict will likely make a martyr out of him.  Ordinarily he chooses the most difficult and trying location 2 ply his vocation.  When others seem 2b more successful or gain more renown, instead of facing realistically the fact that he has chosen the path of self-sacrifice, he indulges in self-pity because his journey winds uphill and leads through arduous straits.
     Melancholies rarely-explode--at first.  This is, if u insult a melancholy he will usually react properly at the time.  But after u have gone he will mull it over, stew about it, and become upset.  When u see him 2 months later, long after u have forgotten the experience, he may 'blow up' just at the sight of u.  Melancholies have  a slow-burning fuse that is very long.  The determination of a melancholy 2 gripe and criticize merely compounds his negative thinking, perpetuates his anger, and ultimately brings him 2 despair.  For this reason 1 Thessalonians 5:18 can come 2 his rescue.  If he painstakingly and consistently follows its formula, he will never become depressed: "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning u."

Melancholy Creativity
=================     Fortunately 4 the melancholy, he possesses an unusual creative ability 2 project
all kinds of images on the screen of his imagination.  Once he fully realizes that positive feelings are the direct result of constructing wholesome mental images of himself and his circumstances, he is well on road of recovery and prevention of future bouts w/anger.  Melancholy people risk anger primarily because of the continual misuse of their creative imagination.  That is, on the  imagination screen on their mind they negativism, hurt, self-pity, helplessness, and despair.  When they realize that their creative suggestions can work either 4 or against them, they can carefully project only those images that are pleasing 2 God.  such thoughts will lift their spirits, stabilize their moods, and help them 2 avoid anger.


The Phlegmatic and Anger
= The easy-going, never-get-upset "nice guy" is the phlegmatic. Besides featuring a calm and likable disposition, Mr Phlegmatic is a cheerful fellow who works well w/other people, an efficient, conservative, dependable, witty person w/a practical turn of mind.  Since he is quite introvert, as a rule, his weaknesses like his strengths are not so readily perceptible as those of other temperaments.  His most obvious weakness is a lack of motivation.  He can ignore work graciously and is prone 2b stubborn, stingy, and indecisive.  His ability 2 look at life through the eyes of a spectator may generate a tendency  2 avoid 'getting involved" w/anything.  Phlegmatics make good diplomats, since they are natural peacemakers.  Many are teachers, doctors, scientists, comedians, and editors.  When externally motivated, they make very capable leaders.
     Generally a phlegmatic person is not easily angered.  He usually has such a high boiling point that he will seldom be explosive, though he may burn red inside.  His unique sense of humor signals a happy outlook on life, and rarely does he reflect much mood fluctuation in either direction.  It is possible 2 know a phlegmatic all his life and never see him truly angry, for no matter what the occasion, he tends 2 mentally excuse the person who has offended, injured, or rejected him.  His ability 2 adjust 2 unpleasant circumstances is unbelievable 2 the other 3 temperaments, which find it easy 2 gripe or criticize mentally and verbally.
     If a phlegmatic ever does display anger, it is usually aimed at his own lack of aggressiveness.   Many times his practical, capable mind devises a suitable plan of action 4 a given set of circumstances, but because of his passive inclination or his fear of being criticized by others, he keeps it 2 himself.  Consequently, driven by family or other group pressure, he may find himself pursuing a plan inferior 2 his own.  This can produce irritation which, when followed by self-pity, will make him angry.  His anger is usually short-lived, however, because b4 long someone will come along who will amuse and entertain him.
     There is one critical period in life when the phlegmatic is most vulnerable 2 anger. During the 5th and 6th decade he often becomes aware that the other temperaments have passed him by vocationally, spiritually, and in every other way.  While he was passively watching the game of life as a spectator, his more aggressive friends were stepping through the doors of opportunity.  His security-mindedness has checked him from attending upon daring adventures in life, and thus his existence may seem rather stale 2 him during this period.  If he indulges in self-pity, he will definitely become angry. 
     Instead o blaming his fear or indolence, he finds it much easier 2 reproach "society" or "the breaks" or "my luck."  Such a person should learn from the Lord Jesus early in life 2 attempt great things 4 God, 4 Christ said, "According 2 your faith be it unto u" [Matthew 9:29].

The Remedy 4 Temperament Weaknesses
=============================     God has a thrilling plan 4 overcoming all temperament weaknesses--even anger.  In Ephesians 5:18 He designated it as being continually "filled w/the Spirit."  The filling of the Holy Spirit produces 3 great emotional characteristics:

1.  A song in the heart [Ephesians 5:19]:
2.  A thanksgiving mental attitude [Ephesians 5:20]:
3.  A submissive spirit [Ephesians 5:21].

     It is impossible 2b angry when all 3 of these EMOTIONS are present.  The filling of the Spirit, therefore, is the obvious remedy 4 the emotion of Anger.
     When Christians walk in the Spirit, they will maintain the proper mental attitude so that they can respond in prasie and thanksgiving 2 the negative circumstances of life.  Rememeber, God has promised not 2 permet negative circumstances above our ability 2 cope w/them.  He is, of course, presupposing that we maintain the proper mental attitude.
     Several components make up the right mental attitude.  Consider them carefully 2 C if u possess them.

1.  Complete commitment 2 the will and way of God  [Romans 6:11-13;   12:1-2].  Circle the percent of commitment u feel that u have at this point in your life from 10% to 100%.

2.  Knowledge of the principles of God [Romans 12:2].  No one will know perfectly all the principles of God 4 living, but u can daily refresh your mind on them by reading an studying the Word of God.  I study the Bible several times a week.

3.  Faith [Romans 14:23;  Hebrews 11:6].  It is impossible 2 enlist the dynamic dimensions of God into your life w/o faith.  If your faith is weak, don't wait 4 some miracle 2 make it strong. Get 2 know God and read His Word and u will grow stronger.
     A.  Hear, read, and study the Bible [Romans 13:10].
     B.  Pray 4 increased faith [1 Corinthians 12:31].
     C.  Walk in the Spirit [Galatians 5:22-23].
     D.  Experience Faith [Romans 1:17].

Each time u trust God 4 something, it is easier 2 trust Him the next time.