
Sunday, September 25, 2011

26 of 31 Reasons People Do Not Receive Their Financial Harvest

=========    ~ Proverbs 22:24-25 ~  "Make no friendship w/an angry man/woman; and w/a furious man/woman thou shalt not go:   Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare 2 thy soul"

judemcconkey photography 


     Everything good has an  Enemy.
     Jesus had an enemy.  So, u will have an enemy thru-out your entire lifetime.  "The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord" (Matthew 10;24).
     Your enemy is ANY person or influence that endeavors stop u from achieving a worthy dream or goal assigned by God.  Your enemy will use WORDS, DELAYS and ATTACKS 2 DRAIN your energy and change your FOCUS.  Now, satan is your True enemy.  He uses PEOPLE as 'Instruments of Distraction'.  His goal does not end w/your devastation.
     His goal is 2 rob God of the pleasure u generate.  They eyes of the Lord are always upon u.  He delights in your progress, peace and fellowship.  What was the goal of satan in the Garden of Eden?  To stop the pleasure God experienced in fellowshippingn w/Adam and Eve.
     Your enemy fears you Satan is so aware of the plans of God.  He fully recognizes your potential and what God is planning 4 your life.  He attacks out of fear of your success.  U have the relationship he formerly enjoyed w/God.  David saw this happen in his own life.  "And King Saul was afraid of David, bcoz the LORD was w/ him, and was departed from Saul" (I Samual 18:12).
     NEVER negotiate w/an enemy.  "Make no friendship w/an angry man; and w/a furious man/woman thou shalt not go:  Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare 2 thy soul" (Proverbs 22:24-25).
     Move away from a climate of conflict whenever possible.  This was one of the Master Leadership Secrets of David.  He understood the importance of protecting his own FOCUS in his dealings w/King Saul.  "And David avoided out of his presence twice" (I Samuel 18:11b).
     Do not fuel and energize your enemy.  Your very presence and words often breathe energy and strength into your enemy unless they are the right words.  "A soft answer turneth away wrath:  but grievous words stir up anger" (Proverbs 15:1).
     You cannot solve a problem 4 your enemy.  His goal is 2 destroy u.  U are the object of his attention.
     Your dream is your goal.
     Your destruction is his goal.
     Achieving your assignment and completing INSTRUCTIONS from God is your goal.  Destroying u is his focus.  "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able 2 stand b4 envy?" (Proverbs 27:4).
     Your enemy will not invest any time, money or effort 2 understand and embrace your assignment on earth.  The Pharisees attempted 2 use the very explanations of Jesus 2 entrap Him.  Jesus knew this.  Their questions were 'hooks' 2 side track Him and break His FOCUS.  That is why He answered their questions w/another question.
     The motives of others should help u 2 give the kinds of answers u give them.
     Your enemy  must be discerned early"Neither give place 2 the devil" (Ephesians 4:17).
     Continuous conflict reveals the presence of an enemy u are permitting.  "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work" (James 3:16).
     Your enemy seeks dialogue, exchange and communication instead of a solution"Ever learning and never able 2 come 2 the Knowledge of the Truth" (II Timothy 3:7).
     Your enemy will not show mercy.  This is the proof that Wisdom is not present.  "But the Wisdom that is from above is... Peaceable ... easy 2b entreated, full of mercy" (James 3:17).
     Your financial harvest has an enemy "The THIEF cometh not but 4 to STEAL, and 2 KILL, and 2 DESTROY" (John 10:10).  Job experienced this when satan appeared in the presence of God and desired 2 destroy his life.
     Face your enemy immediately.  Name things 4 what they really are.  What u are unwilling 2 confront, u become unqualified 2 conquer.  Champions fight back.  Become serious about winning against poverty and lack.  I have said it many times, financial harvest is not a frivolous thing of trivia.  It is hell's biggest fear of the church in this Generation.
     Let us look at 3 Enemies that destroy your financial harvest.

     1.  Wrong Relationships.    Your friends are fueling your dream or your doubts.  Your friends are either energizing u or attacking u.  U must decide and discern those satan is using 2 destroy your financial harvest.  "He that walketh w/wise men shall be wise:  but a companion of fools shall be destroyed" (Proverbs 13:20).
     Some friends are parasites, draining u in every conceivable way.  Some friends are encouragers, imparting 2 u remarkable energy and enthusiasm 4 the harvest ahead.  Some envy u and will criticize u as materialistic and a lover of money.  Some will compete w/u.  They will be miserable and upset when your creativity explodes.  Some friends will doubt u.  They will point out every reason u can expect failure.
     The Apostle Paul warned.  "And have no fellowship w/the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11).
     If u fail, u will fail bcoz u permitted the wrong people 2 come too close.  Red the biography of great men who experienced terrible failures.  They trusted they 'wrong' people.

     2.  Wrong Teaching.   Somebody is always imparting wrong information.  It will affect u and influence u more than u realize.  The Apostle Paul recognized that those he loved were listening 2 someone else"Oh foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched u, that ye should not obey the Truth?" (Galatians 3:1a).
     Error is deadly.  It is poisonous.  It is always mixed w/the threads of half-Truth.  This keeps it deceitful.  One of the greatest errors being taught today is regarding the Sovereignty of God.  It is so misunderstood.  Let me explain.
     "Do u not feel that satan gives u a lot of money so u will backslide and get away from God?" asked a serious young businessman one night after a lecture.
     "Let me ask u a question," I replied.  "If financial wealth could break your relationship w/God, do u not feel that satan would overdose u every day of your life?"  He saw the point.  I continued, "When satan wanted 2destroy Job, he did not increase his income.  He stopped the money flow into his life."
     Another lady spoke up one day, "If God wanted us 2 have money, He would give it 2 us."  I answered, "Does that mean if God wanted u 2 comb your hair, He would have combed it 4 u this morning?  If God wanted u 2 wear clothes, u would not have been born naked?"
     Another sharp and articulate businessman spoke up at a conference.  "Well, I believe that God will give u money if He can trust u w/it."
     "Then explain 2 me why many ungodly, atheistic men have millions, and missionaries cannot even buy vehicles 4 their ministry if this is a trust factor w/God?"  I answered.
     Oh, it is so tragic!  When I hear the responses of people regarding financial blessing and wealth, millions make no effort at all 2 LEARN and APPLY themselves 2 the Principle of Increase.  Then, they are puzzled when their money never grows and they stay in abject poverty.

     3.  Wrong WORDS.   Your words are creative.  They are POWERFUL.  They are currents that are rushing u toward your dream or away from your dream.  "DEATH and LIFE are in the POWER OF the TONGUE [mouth]:  and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" (Proverbs 21:23).
     Your words can sabotage productive and rewarding friendships"Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23).
     Your words decide what grows within u.  "The mouth of the righteous man is a well of Life" (Proverbs 10:11).
     Your words can create unnecessary and destructive anger in others.  "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger" (Proverbs 15:1).
     Your words can set traps that destroy u"A  fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul" (Proverbs 18:7).
     Your words should be spoken at the appropriate time and place.  "A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man/woman keepeth it:  till afterwards" (Proverbs 29:11).
     Your words can be the vehicle 2 your own deliverance from a dilemma.  "The mouth of the upright shall deliver them" (Proverbs 12:6).
     Your words deserve much forethought b4 releasing them.  "The heart of the righteous studieth 2  answer" (Proverbs 15:28).
     You must be careful who qualifies 2 receive your spoken opinion and advice "Speak not in the ears of a fool:  4 he will despise the Wisdom of they words" (Proverbs 23:9).
      Your words are deciding your SEASONS.  Your words are deciding your energy and enthusiasm.  Your words that come out of your OWN MOUTH are creating a PATH 2 your FUTURE or a current 2 your past.
     Stop discussing your flaws w/everyone.  Stop advertising the mistakes u have made.  Stop discussing your doubts and advertising your fears.
     You are a Giant killer, a Champion, a Repairer and a Restorer of dreams.  TALK like it.  ACT like it.
     Thousands continuously poison their OWN environment w/negative, doubting and fearful WORDS.  It is one of the reasons they will never taste their financial Harvest.
     Nobody wants 2 invest in someone planning on losing.  Your MOUTH is:

     > Your Deliverer.
     > Your Weapon.
     > Your Motivator.

     Use it Wisely.
     Millions refuse 2  acknowledge their enemies of prosperity.  They will never taste the sweetness of financial provision.
     Let's pray:
     "Heavenly Father, take unproductive, unholy and unthankful people out of my life.
Uproot any error I have embraced ignorantly.  
Pour Your Words of Faith and Victory thru me.  
Thank You also 4 teaching me what I might never have learned, bcoz You Love me.  
     In Jesus Name.  Amen."

LOVE chases away FEAR

Kathi Pelton
There is no fear in LOVE.. But perfect love drives out fear, bcoz fear has 2 do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

The other night I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and clearly heard in my spirit: "Perfect love casts out fear!" Obviously this is a familiar verse, but since it was so clearly spoken I knew that God wanted 2 reveal a deeper level of truth 2 me.

As I lay in my bed pondering what the Lord had just spoken, I became aware of areas of ongoing fear in my life. Then I heard it again: "Perfect love casts out fear!" With the repetition, I began 2 experience a new awareness of my Father's perfect love toward me.

We have all been subject 2 the imperfect love that comes from our earthly parents, our spouses, our friends. Also, we have shown imperfect love 2 those around us. Imperfect love can fail us, disappoint us, abandon us – even punish us. But God's perfect love will never fail us in any way.

Punishment or Discipline?
...My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes u, bcoz the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son. Hebrews 12:5-6

Most of the world has experienced being punished 4 the mistakes they have made at one time or another. Bcoz this is so commonplace, it is easy 2 read many of life's trials as punishment from God 4 being imperfect or 4falling short (or even 4 making a mistake).

One of the differences between discipline and punishment is that discipline teaches us how 2 learn from our mistakes, but punishment makes us suffer 4 those same mistakes. Our sufferings are not bcoz God is punishing us! I hope u realize this is truly a lie of the enemy that has caused many 2b trapped in despair, fear and a sense of failure.

Discipline flows out of a motive of love, protection, respect and honor; often punishment comes from self-serving motives of anger, resentment and control. God's discipline is both pure and perfect in love.

If u have been gripped by the fear of punishment, begin 2 ask the Holy Spirit 2 remove the root of fear and punishment from your heart, mind and body. This fearful reaction 2 our shortcomings can leave us in a state of absolute spiritual paralysis. Have u ever experienced harsh punishment? This can set up an emotional "default reaction" inside that causes u 2 believe that every time u make a mistake, or stumble even momentarily, u will be punished. Punishment invokes fear; fear sets up a chain reaction of self-survival and we begin 2 "protect ourselves from God." Yet, God's discipline leads us lovingly out of our mistakes 2 the very place He had intended 4 us 2b. His discipline is fully redemptive, treating us as beloved children as He corrects us w/respect, kindness, love and integrity.

We need 2 remember this in our parenting as well. Punishment almost always brings shame and a crushing sense of failing 2 please the one in authority, but discipline brings forth a sense of protection, covering, love and respect. One executes control and the other one guides.

The Characteristics of Perfect Love
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices w/the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails... 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

This is perfect love and God never strays from this kind of love. As God's children we live in the grip and grace of perfect love. How we long 2 love one another w/this kind of love! We need 2 stop viewing God thru the filter of imperfect love. When we truly believe that God loves us with "perfect love," then we will be free from the gripping fear that we will be abandoned, failed, dishonored, and uncovered. Humans may do these things but God never will.

I am amazed at how often I find myself falling into the momentary false belief that somehow God will let me down or not come 2 my rescue. Most of us experience this at times, but let's make sure that it is only momentary! Perfect love cannot and will not fail us, but there are times we seem 2 demand that love perform certain actions or we feel betrayed. However, just like a good parent, God will not give us something that will cause us harm no matter how badly we want it. We cannot separate love and discipline bcoz discipline flows out of love.

As most of u who read my articles know, my husband and I have gone thru a few years of trials that have been profoundly difficult and yet very refining. These trials have definitely brought up areas in us that needed the Lord's discipline. They were areas that needed alignment w/God's desires 4 us so that we would be able 2 move forward in the responsibilities God has 4 us. Perfect love allowed us 2 experience deep pain in order 2 build character, maturity, and dependency. As a parent I find it tremendously difficult 2 love in this way bcoz I hate 2 C my children experience pain. I have little doubt that at times I have caused them even deeper and longer-lasting pain by not allowing the momentary pain that discipline can bring.

Love Never Fails
"Bcoz he loves Me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, 4 he acknowledges My name. He will call on Me, and I will answer him; I will be w/him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation." Psalm 91:14-16
Though we can only offer the Lord our imperfect love, still He responds w/His perfect love with promises such as Psalm 91. He is such an amazing Father who loves 2 respond 2 us even b4 we ask! He loves 2 honor us, rescue us, deliver us and satisfy us.

I can truly say that most of the stress in my life comes from my own sin of worry or unbelief, not from God's unfaithfulness. He is always faithful, but often I want 2 demand that things happen "NOW"! If only we could fully rest in the confidence of His promises, we would walk w/Him beside those still waters and enjoy His presence. We need 2 stop exchanging the gift of peace 4 the fury and chaos that comes from worry.

I Lack Nothing!
Psalm 23 is filled w/promises of daily living and the peace that comes when we walk w/God.  The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths 4 His name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, 4 You are w/me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table 4 me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head w/oil; my cup overflows. Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord 4ever. Psalm 23

"I lack nothing!" There is no lack in His perfect love and there is no fear when we stay within His perfect love. In that love there is goodness, comfort and refreshment 4 us. Within His perfect love we are led onto the right paths (no longer shall we make a guess of the right way 2 go), and within His perfect love we can know that even within the darkest valleys in our lives we are not alone and do not need 2 fear.

Lord, I pray that Your perfect love will come right now into the hearts of each one reading this article. Where fear and experiences of punishment have misinterpreted life events and undermined Your promises, I pray that You would deliver each one from every root that has caused them 2b gripped w/fear. I declare that all of Your promises are true and are available 4 each one of us. We now receive the fullness of Your perfect love; we receive Your discipline, bcoz by that we know that we are true sons and daughters.

We invite Your comfort, Your refreshing, Your goodness and Your love 2 overwhelm us in our daily walks. We renounce every agreement that we have w/fear. We renounce every belief that we have entertained that You do not love us w/perfect love. Align our hearts, renew our minds, refresh our souls and remind us of Your many promises. Perfect us in our love and forgive us 4 measuring You by human love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

In the Grip of Perfect Love,
Kathi Pelton
Compassion Arise


TGIF - God is a God of success

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Today's Prayer
Dear God, Thank you 4 sending special people into our lives. I think of a very few who have meant so much 2 me and been such an encouragement and inspiration. I appreciate them so much...and miss the ones who have left this earth 2b w/You in eternity. Thank you, God, 4 the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter who fills my heart, lifts my spirit, satisfies my soul, and brings your presence into my life. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

God is the God of Success
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

"If u fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give u today, the LORD your God will set u high above all the nations on earth" (Deut 28:1-2).

Our God is a God of success. You are created 2b a success. Success is rooted in our relationship w/God, not in our abilities. When our abilities are separated from our relationship w/God, success is short-lived.

"All these blessings will come upon u and accompany u IF u obey the LORD your God: U will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock - the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. U will be blessed when u come in and blessed when u go out. The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against u will be defeated b4 u. They will come at u from one direction but flee from u in 7. The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything u put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless u in the land he is giving u" (Deut 28:2-8).

Sometimes God allows u 2 fail in order 4 u 2 succeed. Each of us must first experience our own death and resurrection from our old nature. This is 4 u 2 learn Who the source of true success is. You will be amazed how easy success will come when your life is in proper alignment w/the purposes of God.

Today, reaffirm your commitment 2 follow His ways in all that u do. This will ensure God's purposes will be fulfilled in u. 

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.