HOPE = Confident Expectation
Where 2 Find Help...
I thirst 4 Knowledge; Hunger 4 Understanding; How-2 Help the 16 Personalities of the world.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Bible Emergency Numbers
Bible Emergency Numbers
- When u are sad, call on John 14
- When u don’t feel loved, call on Romans 8:38-39
- When u have sinned, call on 1 John 1:8-9
- When u are facing danger, call on Psalm 91
- When people have failed u, call on Psalm 27
- When God feel far from u, call on Psalm 139
- When your faith needs encouragement Hebrews 11
- When u are scared, call on Psalm 23
- When u are worried, call on Matthew 6:25-34
- When u are hurt, call on Colossians 3:12-17
- When u feel no one is on your side, call on Romans 8:3-39
- When u are seeking rest, call on Matthew 11:25-30
- When u are suffering, call on Romans 8:18-30
- When u feel you’re failing, call on Psalm 121
- When u pray, call on Matthew 6:9-13
- When u need courage, call on Joshua 1
- When u pray, call on Matthew 6:9-13
- When u are in need, call on Philippians 4:19
- When u are hated bcoz of your faith, call John 15
- When u are losing hope, call on 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
- When u are seeking peace, call on John 14:27
- When u want to do good works, call on John 15
- When u want 2 live a happy life, call on Colossians 3:12-17
- Don’t understand what God is doing Isaiah 55:8-9
- When u don’t feel loved, call on Romans 8:38-39
- When u have sinned, call on 1 John 1:8-9
- When u are facing danger, call on Psalm 91
- When people have failed u, call on Psalm 27
- When God feel far from u, call on Psalm 139
- When your faith needs encouragement Hebrews 11
- When u are scared, call on Psalm 23
- When u are worried, call on Matthew 6:25-34
- When u are hurt, call on Colossians 3:12-17
- When u feel no one is on your side, call on Romans 8:3-39
- When u are seeking rest, call on Matthew 11:25-30
- When u are suffering, call on Romans 8:18-30
- When u feel you’re failing, call on Psalm 121
- When u pray, call on Matthew 6:9-13
- When u need courage, call on Joshua 1
- When u pray, call on Matthew 6:9-13
- When u are in need, call on Philippians 4:19
- When u are hated bcoz of your faith, call John 15
- When u are losing hope, call on 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
- When u are seeking peace, call on John 14:27
- When u want to do good works, call on John 15
- When u want 2 live a happy life, call on Colossians 3:12-17
- Don’t understand what God is doing Isaiah 55:8-9
- Do u want 2 get along w others, call on Romans 12:9-21
Sunday, June 25, 2017
God Wants 2 Tell Us the Future...
Oftentimes, when we are fearful, we tend 2 go against what is True. We turn 2 wrong sources 4 Inspiration and HOPE. But our God thought of everything that is under Heaven that affects Humanity. And I thought it fitting 2 include this today...as a reminder even 2 myself.
God wants 2b our Source in ALL things pertaining 2 Life. He wants You 2 climb into His Big Loving Arms as Father, and simply ASK what your heart is concerned about. He wants 2 give you PROOF that all is well, no matter how scary things appear 2b at the moment.
The wonderful thing about TIME is, that its always moving, like a clock that ticks, it moves around, and todays trouble becomes tomorrows Victory. We must remember 2 Whom we owe this Thanks and glory. He truly loves us so much. Dont feel alone today, even if you have no family like me. You are not alone, You have a loving Father who wrote your life into a Book and He wants so much 2 tell you secrets concerning you what you are eager 2 Ask of Him, But like anyone we respect, love and honor, we must go 2 Him and communicate.
Enjoy your Journey.
Oftentimes, when we are fearful, we tend 2 go against what is True. We turn 2 wrong sources 4 Inspiration and HOPE. But our God thought of everything that is under Heaven that affects Humanity. And I thought it fitting 2 include this today...as a reminder even 2 myself.
God wants 2b our Source in ALL things pertaining 2 Life. He wants You 2 climb into His Big Loving Arms as Father, and simply ASK what your heart is concerned about. He wants 2 give you PROOF that all is well, no matter how scary things appear 2b at the moment.
The wonderful thing about TIME is, that its always moving, like a clock that ticks, it moves around, and todays trouble becomes tomorrows Victory. We must remember 2 Whom we owe this Thanks and glory. He truly loves us so much. Dont feel alone today, even if you have no family like me. You are not alone, You have a loving Father who wrote your life into a Book and He wants so much 2 tell you secrets concerning you what you are eager 2 Ask of Him, But like anyone we respect, love and honor, we must go 2 Him and communicate.
Enjoy your Journey.
Isaiah 42:9 - Bible Gateway
I will
tell you the future before it happens.” MSG. God's
Message, the God who created the cosmos, stretched out the
skies, laid out the earth and all that
grows ...
Does God Know Everything Before It Happens? - Scripture Insights
This is all
speculative, because Scripture does not really tell us. Scripture ... It alsosays that God plans many of these events before they occur. In this sense God knows the future because he has planned it and his plans will be carried out. Let me give ..... If you don't do it, God
will arrange some other way for it
to happen.
Isaiah 42; Isaiah 43; Isaiah 44; Isaiah 45; Isaiah 46 - New Century ...
6 The Lord
says, "I, the Lord,
called you to do right, and I
will hold your hand and
protect you. You
will be the ... Before those things happen,
I tell
you about them." 10 Sing a new
.... He should also tell what will
happen in the future.
8 Don't be ...
Does God Know Every Future Event Before It Happens
Free will:
Does God know every single choice we will make BEFORE we choose ? ... For example, a grieving
parent might ask God,
“If You knew the future,
WHY didn'tYou prevent the car .... He says,
“If you walk in My statutes… then I shall give yourains…
... Instead, He would tell them, “WHEN you walk in My
What Does The Bible Say About Predicting The Future? - Patheos
Apr 12, 2014 - You could say that prophecies are events that
are poured into the mold of history that ... Who can stop what God says
will come? ... many of these
predictions are told to us after the events happen.
... Abominations Before
The Clock of God, Chapter 26, "God Reveals the Future in Advance"
According to the
Bible, God's secrets are not revealed to soothsayers:
"You may say: ... World War II, and just about
everything else that has ever happened on earth ... Scripture says that just before the End comes, the world will be enveloped, .... In 'telling us about the things to come' the Holy Spirit
has revealed the future to ...
Searches related to i will tell you the future before it happens says the Lord
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Introduction: Sometimes, people only want 2 look at pretty things, and feel good. Noone wants 2
hear the Truths that set us free.
A Universal Basic statement that is wrong when you hear someone saying: The Truth makes you Free. But that is not correct.
If you tell a person 2 stop smoking, or over-eating 4 example, that would indeed be the end result and good. But the HOW-2 is missing, so a person's hears it and than forgets the Instruction.
But when we take the time 2 explain WHY, then more is understood, and with the understanding comes the Freedom, Bcoz along side with the 'do not do', comes the WHY which gives the Application of HOW-2.
So the correct statement would be: The Truth you UNDERSTAND, makes you Free.
Only then can a person APPLY what they now understand which allows them 2 make new found 'healthy' decisions. With this being said: Let me record what I am learning in different degrees and levels: I hope it helps someone and does not make them look at it wrong but in the love it is given...
MY sheep KNOW MY VOICE, and another they wont follow. (John 10:5 KJV)
Sheep like innocent children, just do as they are told bcoz they TRUST the VOICE Instructing them. But as adults, we must come 2 the point we ask, WHOSE VOICE is this speaking 2 me, or we remain gullible and easily scammed.
Spiritual adultery is very serious business. The world is the 'other adultery' or the 'they' you often hear a person referring to, which the WORLD believes in and chooses over Gods TRUE Love.
Spiritual adultery is chasing after Money, Smoking (all substances), Drinking, OVEReating, Gambling and ANY other IDOL. People who do these things are BABIES and NOT mature in the Lord. They are still growing. SAME as physical adultery, it hurts, betrays, rejects and damages TRUST. Whoring is wrong in anything we chase after Thinking grass is greener on other side. Many times as many have experienced, when we turn to see the other side we just came from, often looks worse.
BILLIONS will follow satan, but God cries alll these years bcoz people reject His love. They PROMISE God if you take me out of this situation blah blah, when God loves them, they quickly FORGET their promise.... these are called Liars. ONE DAY God will STOP crying. Then His anger will burn, but as long as Jesus came AND the Holy Spirit is still on Earth, His Grace towards all who do not deserve it, Grace is granted. He is patient, but everyone has their patient level.
God is FAIR and JUST. He has said in His Word that He gives ALL people 120 to get right with Him, but MANY die between 50 and 80 years old. Way 2 young, why ???
Bcoz they are gullible and deceived with the world's ways of doing things. Diseases and the consequences of our sin (separating ourself from Gods love) destroy us... so in essence, WE DESTROY ourselves by doing wrong things. It reminds me of History and how History always repeats itself. Noone takes it serious enough 2 find out how the past can benefit us by how others who walked b4 us did it.
God cannot be blamed 4 our own stupidity, THAT is why satan LAUGHS and points the finger on US saying WE are worthless, failers, and comdemn us, when he KNOWS we are Precious and Blessed of God. But if a person does NOT know who they are, they fall 4 satans scams.
We have bought into the lie that much is more and little has no significance. But a shout who can stand, we all want to run away from someone screaming. It detects a crisis or emergency. But WHO sees the value in a WHISPER? Try whispering and everyone around turns 2 hear. The small is the greatest value, bcoz it displays the STEPS 2 take that get you to the end desired result, not the Big Picture.
I have always found it truly amazing that God 'FINISHED' a thing, then backed up and 'BEGAN it.' And so is the small valuable and greatly significant, in it we find the MAP or the Puzzle pieces that get us there.
Example: Imagine a person trying to eat the Whole piece of meat. They would choke bcoz its too large to put it all in the mouth, the chewing process would be wasteful. But a Tiny Bite Size is like the step-by-step value of the small piece of meat compared to the huge steak itself. So our answer are all found in SEED size opportunities.
You will see MUCH MORE Of these things as the days progress. Its in the Bible from 1000s of years ago. Its ALL in there, but WHO reads the Bible 2 grow spritually and be protected under Gods Love? God will NOT FORCE us 2 Read His precious Word. Teaching myself to 'hear' my own thoughts and asking WHO is speaking right now, has changed my life so much.
Love Is A Choice.
hear the Truths that set us free.
A Universal Basic statement that is wrong when you hear someone saying: The Truth makes you Free. But that is not correct.
If you tell a person 2 stop smoking, or over-eating 4 example, that would indeed be the end result and good. But the HOW-2 is missing, so a person's hears it and than forgets the Instruction.
But when we take the time 2 explain WHY, then more is understood, and with the understanding comes the Freedom, Bcoz along side with the 'do not do', comes the WHY which gives the Application of HOW-2.
So the correct statement would be: The Truth you UNDERSTAND, makes you Free.
Only then can a person APPLY what they now understand which allows them 2 make new found 'healthy' decisions. With this being said: Let me record what I am learning in different degrees and levels: I hope it helps someone and does not make them look at it wrong but in the love it is given...
MY sheep KNOW MY VOICE, and another they wont follow. (John 10:5 KJV)
Sheep like innocent children, just do as they are told bcoz they TRUST the VOICE Instructing them. But as adults, we must come 2 the point we ask, WHOSE VOICE is this speaking 2 me, or we remain gullible and easily scammed.
Spiritual adultery is very serious business. The world is the 'other adultery' or the 'they' you often hear a person referring to, which the WORLD believes in and chooses over Gods TRUE Love.
Spiritual adultery is chasing after Money, Smoking (all substances), Drinking, OVEReating, Gambling and ANY other IDOL. People who do these things are BABIES and NOT mature in the Lord. They are still growing. SAME as physical adultery, it hurts, betrays, rejects and damages TRUST. Whoring is wrong in anything we chase after Thinking grass is greener on other side. Many times as many have experienced, when we turn to see the other side we just came from, often looks worse.
BILLIONS will follow satan, but God cries alll these years bcoz people reject His love. They PROMISE God if you take me out of this situation blah blah, when God loves them, they quickly FORGET their promise.... these are called Liars. ONE DAY God will STOP crying. Then His anger will burn, but as long as Jesus came AND the Holy Spirit is still on Earth, His Grace towards all who do not deserve it, Grace is granted. He is patient, but everyone has their patient level.
God is FAIR and JUST. He has said in His Word that He gives ALL people 120 to get right with Him, but MANY die between 50 and 80 years old. Way 2 young, why ???
Bcoz they are gullible and deceived with the world's ways of doing things. Diseases and the consequences of our sin (separating ourself from Gods love) destroy us... so in essence, WE DESTROY ourselves by doing wrong things. It reminds me of History and how History always repeats itself. Noone takes it serious enough 2 find out how the past can benefit us by how others who walked b4 us did it.
God cannot be blamed 4 our own stupidity, THAT is why satan LAUGHS and points the finger on US saying WE are worthless, failers, and comdemn us, when he KNOWS we are Precious and Blessed of God. But if a person does NOT know who they are, they fall 4 satans scams.
We have bought into the lie that much is more and little has no significance. But a shout who can stand, we all want to run away from someone screaming. It detects a crisis or emergency. But WHO sees the value in a WHISPER? Try whispering and everyone around turns 2 hear. The small is the greatest value, bcoz it displays the STEPS 2 take that get you to the end desired result, not the Big Picture.
I have always found it truly amazing that God 'FINISHED' a thing, then backed up and 'BEGAN it.' And so is the small valuable and greatly significant, in it we find the MAP or the Puzzle pieces that get us there.
Example: Imagine a person trying to eat the Whole piece of meat. They would choke bcoz its too large to put it all in the mouth, the chewing process would be wasteful. But a Tiny Bite Size is like the step-by-step value of the small piece of meat compared to the huge steak itself. So our answer are all found in SEED size opportunities.
You will see MUCH MORE Of these things as the days progress. Its in the Bible from 1000s of years ago. Its ALL in there, but WHO reads the Bible 2 grow spritually and be protected under Gods Love? God will NOT FORCE us 2 Read His precious Word. Teaching myself to 'hear' my own thoughts and asking WHO is speaking right now, has changed my life so much.
Love Is A Choice.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice
Hearing God's Voice
Fix your gaze upon Jesus (Heb. 12:2), becoming quiet in His presence and sharing with Him what is on your heart. Spontaneous thoughts will begin 2 flow from the throne of God 2 u, and u will actually be conversing with the King of Kings!
Key #4 – Journaling, the writing out of your prayers and God’s answers, brings great freedom in hearing God’s voice.
========= Every now and then I find things that I believe will help my visitors, things we often find on the internet that perhaps others may never find that would enhance or encourage. This is one of those websites I'm proud 2 include here. The link is provided so I will keep it simple and 2 the point here on the 4 steps, please visit their website and explore more encouraging truths.
Key #1 – God’s voice in your heart often sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts.
Habakkuk knew the sound of God speaking 2 him (Hab. 2:2). Elijah described it as a still, small voice (I Kings 19:12 ). I had always listened 4 an inner audible voice, and God does speak that way at times. However, I have found that usually, God's voice comes as spontaneous thoughts, visions, feelings, or impressions. For example, haven't u been driving down the road and had a thought come 2 u 2 pray 4 a certain person? Didn’t u believe it was God telling u 2 pray? What did God's voice sound like? Was it an audible voice, or was it a spontaneous thought that lit upon your mind?
Experience indicates that we perceive spirit-level communication as spontaneous thoughts, impressions and visions, and Scripture confirms this in many ways. For example, one definition of paga, a Hebrew word 4 intercession, is "a chance encounter or an accidental intersecting." When God lays people on our hearts, He does it through paga, a chance-encounter thought “accidentally” intersecting our minds. Therefore, when u want 2 hear from God, tune 2 chance-encounter or spontaneous thoughts.
Key #2 – Become still so u can sense God’s flow of thoughts and emotions within.
Habakkuk said, "I will stand on my guard post..." (Hab. 2:1). Habakkuk knew that 2 hear God's quiet, inner, spontaneous thoughts, he had 2 first go 2 a quiet place and still his own thoughts and emotions. Psalm 46:10 encourages us 2b still, and know that He is God. There is a deep inner knowing (spontaneous flow) in our spirits that each of us can experience when we quiet our flesh and our minds. If we are not still, we will sense only our own thoughts. Loving God through a quiet worship song is one very effective way 2 become still. (Note II Kings 3:15 .) After I worship and become silent within, I open myself 4 that spontaneous flow. If thoughts come of things I have forgotten 2 do, I write them down and dismiss them. If thoughts of guilt or unworthiness come, I repent thoroughly, receive the washing of the blood of the Lamb, putting on His robe of righteousness, seeing myself spotless b4 God (Is. 61:10; Col. 1:22).
To receive the pure word of God, it is very important that my heart be properly focused as I become still because my focus is the source of the intuitive flow. If I fix my eyes upon Jesus, the intuitive flow comes from Jesus. But if I fix my gaze upon some desire of my heart, the intuitive flow comes out of that desire. To have a pure flow I must become still and carefully fix my eyes upon Jesus. Again, quietly worshiping the King, and receiving out of the stillness that follows quite easily accomplishes this.
Key #3 – As u pray, fix the eyes of your heart upon Jesus, seeing in the Spirit the dreams and visions of Almighty God.
Habakkuk said, "I will keep watch 2 C," and God said, "Record the vision" (Hab. 2:1,2). Habakkuk was actually looking 4 vision as he prayed. He opened the eyes of his heart, and looked into the spirit world 2 C what God wanted 2 show him. This is an intriguing idea. God
has always spoken through dreams and visions, and He specifically said that they would come 2 those upon whom the Holy Spirit is poured out (Acts 2:1-4, 17).
I had never thought of opening the eyes of my heart and looking 4 vision. However, I have come 2 believe that this is exactly what God wants me 2 do. He gave me eyes in my heart 2 C in the spirit the vision and movement of Almighty God. There is an active spirit world all around us, full of angels, demons, the Holy Spirit, the omnipresent Father, and His omnipresent Son, Jesus.
The only reasons 4 me not 2 C this reality are unbelief or lack of knowledge. In order 2 C, we
must look. Daniel saw a vision in his mind and said, "I was looking...I kept looking...I kept looking" (Dan. 7:2,9,13). As I pray, I look 4 Jesus, and I watch as He speaks 2 me, doing and saying the things that are on His heart. Many Christians will find that if they will only look, they will see, in the same way they receive spontaneous thoughts. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us (Matt. 1:23 ). It is as simple as that. You can see Christ present w/u because Christ is present with u. In fact, the vision may come so easily that u will be tempted 2 reject it, thinking that it is just u. But if u persist in recording these visions, your doubt will soon be overcome by faith as u recognize that the content of them could only be birthed in Almighty God.
Jesus demonstrated the ability of living out of constant contact with God, declaring that He did nothing on His own initiative, but only what He saw the Father doing, and heard the Father saying (Jn. 5:19,20,30). What an incredible way to live!
Is it possible 4 u 2 live out of divine initiative as Jesus did? Yes! Fix your eyes upon Jesus. The veil has been torn, giving access into the immediate presence of God, and He calls u 2 draw near (Lk. 23:45; Heb. l0: 19-22). “I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened….”Key #4 – Journaling, the writing out of your prayers and God’s answers, brings great freedom in hearing God’s voice.
God told Habakkuk to record the vision (Hab. 2:2). This was not an isolated command. The Scriptures record many examples of individual’s prayers and God’s replies (e.g. the Psalms, many of the prophets, Revelation).
I call the process "two-way journaling," and I have found it 2b a fabulous catalyst 4 clearly discerning God's inner, spontaneous flow, bcoz as I journal I am able 2 write in faith 4 long periods of time, simply believing it is God. I know that what I believe I have received from God must be tested. However, testing involves doubt and doubt blocks divine communication, so I do not want 2 test while I am trying 2 receive. With journaling, I can receive in faith, knowing that when the flow has ended I can test and examine it carefully, making sure that it lines up with Scripture.
You will be amazed when u journal. Doubt may hinder u at first, but throw it off, reminding yourself that it is a biblical concept, and that God is present, speaking 2 His children. Relax. When we cease our labors and enter His rest, God is free 2 flow (Heb. 4:10 ). Sit back comfortably, take out your pen and paper, smile, and turn your attention toward the Lord in praise and worship, seeking His face. After u write your question 2 Him, become still, fixing your gaze on Jesus. You will suddenly have a very good thought. Don't doubt it; simply write it down. Later, as u read your journaling, u, too, will be blessed 2 discover that u are indeed dialoguing w/God.
Some final notes: Knowing God through the Bible is a vital foundation 2 hearing His voice in your heart, so u must have a solid commitment to knowing and obeying the Scriptures. It is also very important 4 your growth and safety that u be related 2 solid, spiritual counselors All major directional moves that come through journaling should be confirmed by your counselors b4 u act upon them.
Friday, May 19, 2017
After The Storm...
Do you keep a Journal of Events that happen in YOUR OWN LIFE? I had begun this and found Encouragement in my own storm last night. Its so great looking back and seeing all the things Daddy God has brought us through. We so often forget the past (good things) when all the mind reaches for are the bad memories. Think of all the great problems and storms you came through. Count your blessings bcoz they are greater in number than your bad storms...that pass.
Years ago when I bought my land here, God told me 2 Station Angels on Each Corner of my land. I felt it foolish and embarressing, what would the neighbors think seeing me raising my hands in the air, But I obeyed as His urging was extreme and seemed critical 2 my obedience, God can only give an INSTRUCTION, our part in this Partnership is 2 just obey what Father says 4 He KNOWS what is coming in the future days.
I reluctantly obeyed, wish I could say I jumped 2 do it. I could hear my own voice crack as I quietly spoke the words in the air. God said, This is FOR YOUR SAFETY, SPEAK IT like you mean it ! I raised my hands and I SPOKE into the air, half doubting half believing. And I said, From the FOUR Winds, O God I declare You put an Angel on the North Side, on the South side, O Lord please station one on the East side and please on the West side. Since then, I could tell of ALL the Fires, Tornadoes, High Winds and Hail that have protected me.
I have been amazed, and it has taught me critical lessons. That WHO cares what the neighbors think, Our Home is our life, Then a few years ago, On my walk, I stood outside raised my hands in Faith this time, and SPOKE out loud up to the sky praying for those Angels also 2 ALL my surrounding country Neighbors. Its a good feeling 2 know you can do such a simple Instruction and you are safe when you close your eyes in fear of a bad storm. What affects your neighbors also affect you.
YOU stand in the gap 4 others and remember not 2b ashamed of the Gospel but be the EXAMPLE bcoz other people might need 2 learn also. The last thing I learned last night when I was feeling all ALONE and scared, is that God Himself will put it on people's hearts on who will love you at the time of your own need. Im thankful 2b alive today. God reminds me people love me even if I am alone. Truly He has given us a FAMILY in the Body of Christ who will stand with us loving us, Never take 4 granted those daily 'likes' or notes.
They mean so much, Your WORDS have power, use them kindly and never be afraid 2 love, BE the example you want and need from others. TY 4 listening. To whoever is hurting today, and feels scared or alone. This is 4 you little one. God really does love us more than we will understand. Friends are an extended family, no matter where in the world they are.
Do you keep a Journal of Events that happen in YOUR OWN LIFE? I had begun this and found Encouragement in my own storm last night. Its so great looking back and seeing all the things Daddy God has brought us through. We so often forget the past (good things) when all the mind reaches for are the bad memories. Think of all the great problems and storms you came through. Count your blessings bcoz they are greater in number than your bad storms...that pass.
Years ago when I bought my land here, God told me 2 Station Angels on Each Corner of my land. I felt it foolish and embarressing, what would the neighbors think seeing me raising my hands in the air, But I obeyed as His urging was extreme and seemed critical 2 my obedience, God can only give an INSTRUCTION, our part in this Partnership is 2 just obey what Father says 4 He KNOWS what is coming in the future days.
I reluctantly obeyed, wish I could say I jumped 2 do it. I could hear my own voice crack as I quietly spoke the words in the air. God said, This is FOR YOUR SAFETY, SPEAK IT like you mean it ! I raised my hands and I SPOKE into the air, half doubting half believing. And I said, From the FOUR Winds, O God I declare You put an Angel on the North Side, on the South side, O Lord please station one on the East side and please on the West side. Since then, I could tell of ALL the Fires, Tornadoes, High Winds and Hail that have protected me.
I have been amazed, and it has taught me critical lessons. That WHO cares what the neighbors think, Our Home is our life, Then a few years ago, On my walk, I stood outside raised my hands in Faith this time, and SPOKE out loud up to the sky praying for those Angels also 2 ALL my surrounding country Neighbors. Its a good feeling 2 know you can do such a simple Instruction and you are safe when you close your eyes in fear of a bad storm. What affects your neighbors also affect you.
YOU stand in the gap 4 others and remember not 2b ashamed of the Gospel but be the EXAMPLE bcoz other people might need 2 learn also. The last thing I learned last night when I was feeling all ALONE and scared, is that God Himself will put it on people's hearts on who will love you at the time of your own need. Im thankful 2b alive today. God reminds me people love me even if I am alone. Truly He has given us a FAMILY in the Body of Christ who will stand with us loving us, Never take 4 granted those daily 'likes' or notes.
They mean so much, Your WORDS have power, use them kindly and never be afraid 2 love, BE the example you want and need from others. TY 4 listening. To whoever is hurting today, and feels scared or alone. This is 4 you little one. God really does love us more than we will understand. Friends are an extended family, no matter where in the world they are.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Encouragement 4 MAY
======== Hello Spring! And the Newness that affords us a New Beginning again! A Heart full of Hope, New Desires and Dreams. Those New Ideas that we cannot wait 2 put into action or that new Spring Garden full of promise! Praying that this month will be filled with Joy and Happiness in bringing another month full of inspiration and expectation of renewed encouragement. When u feel tired, overdue or delayed, remember that development is not finished it's perfection in what you are about 2 give birth to!
God is a GOOD God, always bringing us positive and blessings, 2 ADD 2 our life not 2 take away. He is a GIVER, and loves 2 bless His children!
Amazing Photography Shop
01May - Break Through the Wall - When u feel the worst, when failure is breathing down your neck, press into the Word as never b4. The wall of sickness or financial trouble, of spiritual failure or family problems may be stopping u cold. But don't Quit! God will enable u 2 break through that wall and keep right on going. All u have 2 do is punch one little hole in that wall of problems, dig one tiny hole in it w/your faith and w/the Word of God. B4 long, the forces of God will come bursting through demolishing every obstacle in their path.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
01MAY - Prepare your heart 4 changes both great and small. Some things will only enhance your environment cosmetically, while other changes will affect u spiritually in a profound way. Yet other changes will affect your work or play. Be flexible and ready 2 embrace all that I have for u, says the Lord. But, also watch for seductions that would take you out of the flow of My Spirit. I will lead u in the way of peace.
Isaiah 55:12 - "For u shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing b4 u, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
Titus 2:12 - ...teaching us that ,denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, ...
03May - Can He Count on You? - God needs u 2b faithful and alert 2 spiritual things today. Can He count on u 2b faithful? It's a decision only u can make. U often praise God 4 HIS faithfulness and that u can count on HIM. But God needs faithful and wise stewards also. He needs u 2b someone He can trust 2 know His Word and be obedient 2 it. Commit yourself 2b that wise and faithful servant. Say in your heart and w/your mouth, "God, u can count on me."
Luke 12:42 - And the Lord said, "Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?
03MAY - I am unlocking another dimension of spiritual revelation, available to those who seek to know and understand My kingdom. There will be greater clarity that will bring depth and richness to your walk in the Spirit. All you have to do is release your desire to know Me more fully and intimately, says the Lord. Then, come to Me with expectation.
Luke 11:9 - "So I say 2 u, ask, and it will be given 2 u; seek, and u will find; knock, and it will be opened 2 u
I Corinthians 15:34 - Awake 2 righteousness, and do not sin; 4 some do not have the Knowledge of God. I speak this 2 your shame.
26May - Discover What the Name Can Do - Discover what the exalted Name of Jesus can do 4 u today. It is more than just a word. His Name is a force that can cause every circumstance and every demon standing in your way 2 bow it's knee. Just the Name alone is effective when spoken by a Word-abiding believer. Begin 2 speak that Name w/confidence and authority. When an evil spirit is trying 2 bring sickness, poverty and depression into your household, just point your finger at him and say, "Jesus!" That is like throwing the whole Word of God in his face at one time.
Philippians 2:9-10 - Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is Above every name, that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on Earth, and of those under the Earth..
27May - God Wants U Well - Thank God 4 your healing--however it comes--and do not let satan put u under condemnation. It is God's Will 2 heal u. It is not contrary 2 the principles of Faith 2 use doctors and medicine when u need healing. Let peace be your umpire if u are not sure whether your faith is strong enough or whether u need a doctor's help. If fear rises within u when u think about doing w/o medical help, then go 2 a doctor. On the other hand, if u have a sure confidence within u that healing is yours strictly by Faith, let faith do its work and receive your healing. Either way, rejoice! God is meeting w/u at your level of Faith!
Exodus 15:26 -
28May - Receive the Man of God - Learn 2 receive the minister of God that Jesus sends 2 u w/the same respect and the same honor that u would give Jesus Himself. The ministers of the gospel are not your servants, they are God's servants. Pray 4 your preacher if u think his doctrine is wrong. Whether they are right or whether they are wrong, love them and respect them, if 4 no other reason than 2 honor the One who sent them. Refuse 2 let criticism hold back the Anointing of the precious Holy Spirit. The Anointing of God will be released thru the man of God 2 YOU!
John 13:20 -
29May - Don't Hesitate - Kick the habit of hesitation today. When doubt comes 2 your mind, cast it out quickly. Hesitation is one of the most hazardous habits u could ever have. It comes from being Indecisive. (The Phlegmatic type) When God speaks, don't waste a moment. Step right out in faith. Make a solid decision 2 trust in and act on the Word of God. U cannot make any progress if u are busy going back and forth between faith and fear. U can always keep the devil a step behind u when u step out in faith quickly!
James 1:6-8 -
30May - Tell The GOOD News - Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has cleansed and forgiven and restored 2 Himself every man, woman and child on the face of this earth. Romans 5:10, "when we were enemies, we were reconciled 2 God by the death of His Son." Reconciled is past tense. God has already restored fellowship between Himself and the World. That is the good news God has given us. That is the Word we need 2 share w/those who are lost.
2 Corinthians 5:19 -
31May -Live in Power - Do u want 2 know how 2 overcome sin in your life today? U cannot overcome sin by trying 2 stop sinning. U overcome it by walking after the new life God has put within u. Sin will separate u from the power of God even though u are born again. The Resurrection life within u will lay dormant if u walk in sin. by spending TIME in the Word and in Prayer, u can overcome! As u do that, God will strengthen u and enable u put sin under your feet. Take the initiative 2 subdue those old fleshly habits. The Resurrection life of God will flow out of u 2 help u when u do!
Romans 6:4 -
======== Hello Spring! And the Newness that affords us a New Beginning again! A Heart full of Hope, New Desires and Dreams. Those New Ideas that we cannot wait 2 put into action or that new Spring Garden full of promise! Praying that this month will be filled with Joy and Happiness in bringing another month full of inspiration and expectation of renewed encouragement. When u feel tired, overdue or delayed, remember that development is not finished it's perfection in what you are about 2 give birth to!
God is a GOOD God, always bringing us positive and blessings, 2 ADD 2 our life not 2 take away. He is a GIVER, and loves 2 bless His children!
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01May - Break Through the Wall - When u feel the worst, when failure is breathing down your neck, press into the Word as never b4. The wall of sickness or financial trouble, of spiritual failure or family problems may be stopping u cold. But don't Quit! God will enable u 2 break through that wall and keep right on going. All u have 2 do is punch one little hole in that wall of problems, dig one tiny hole in it w/your faith and w/the Word of God. B4 long, the forces of God will come bursting through demolishing every obstacle in their path.
01MAY - Prepare your heart 4 changes both great and small. Some things will only enhance your environment cosmetically, while other changes will affect u spiritually in a profound way. Yet other changes will affect your work or play. Be flexible and ready 2 embrace all that I have for u, says the Lord. But, also watch for seductions that would take you out of the flow of My Spirit. I will lead u in the way of peace.
Isaiah 55:12 - "For u shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing b4 u, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
02May - Train Your Spirit - Become a spiritual athlete. Spending TIME w/God is 'spirit' practice. As u do it diligently, your spirit-man will grow stronger and start 2 overcome the habits of the flesh. Put yourself in training by practicing the things of God. Build your spirit muscles thru Fellowship w/Him. If u have trouble getting up in the morning 2 spend time w/God, if u have been giving in 2 your flesh and staying in bed, then u will have 2 start practicing 2 get up. The more u practice, the easier it will be. You are a Winner!
03May - Can He Count on You? - God needs u 2b faithful and alert 2 spiritual things today. Can He count on u 2b faithful? It's a decision only u can make. U often praise God 4 HIS faithfulness and that u can count on HIM. But God needs faithful and wise stewards also. He needs u 2b someone He can trust 2 know His Word and be obedient 2 it. Commit yourself 2b that wise and faithful servant. Say in your heart and w/your mouth, "God, u can count on me."
Luke 12:42 - And the Lord said, "Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?
03MAY - I am unlocking another dimension of spiritual revelation, available to those who seek to know and understand My kingdom. There will be greater clarity that will bring depth and richness to your walk in the Spirit. All you have to do is release your desire to know Me more fully and intimately, says the Lord. Then, come to Me with expectation.
Luke 11:9 - "So I say 2 u, ask, and it will be given 2 u; seek, and u will find; knock, and it will be opened 2 u
04May - No More Surprises - If u are in the dark Visit Lori411 Shop
about God's Will 4 u, u don't have 2 stay that way. He is not in the business of keeping secrets from u. He wants u 2 know about His plans and provisions 4 your life. The Holy Spirit was given 2 reveal God's secrets 2 u. Determine today that u are going 2 start receiving revelation from the Spirit. ASK God 2 reveal 2 u the reality of the Scriptures as u pray in the Spirit. He will shed His light on them and show u exactly how they apply 2 u. God wants u 2 know everything that is on His heart today.
25May - Awaken 2 Righteousness - Today, reawaken yourself 2 the glorious fact that u have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and given the right standing w/Almighty God. Awaken 2 righteousness! Satan cannot bring u into bondage again 2 sin in order 2 control your life if u will reawaken yourself every day 2 who u really are in Jesus. Daily confess anew Jesus is your Lord. Accept His gift of righteousness and all that gift includes. U can reign in this life as a king in Jesus. Determine today 2 walk consciously in your right standing w/the Lord.
I Corinthians 2:10 - But God has revealed them 2 us thru His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
04MAY - Certain aspects of your life are being re-arranged so that u can see more completely My divine influence. Your environment and circumstances demand all the interest and thought that u are willing 2 give. But, it is My desire 2 get your attention, 2 draw your attention away from yourself and worldly concerns so that I can manifest and express My Kingdom in tangible ways in, around, and through u, says the Lord. Yield 2 this work, so that I can establish u in divine order.
Isaiah 48:6 - "You have heard; see all this. And will u not declare it? I have made u hear new things from this time, even hidden things, and u did not know them."
04MAY - Certain aspects of your life are being re-arranged so that u can see more completely My divine influence. Your environment and circumstances demand all the interest and thought that u are willing 2 give. But, it is My desire 2 get your attention, 2 draw your attention away from yourself and worldly concerns so that I can manifest and express My Kingdom in tangible ways in, around, and through u, says the Lord. Yield 2 this work, so that I can establish u in divine order.
Isaiah 48:6 - "You have heard; see all this. And will u not declare it? I have made u hear new things from this time, even hidden things, and u did not know them."
05May - Take Time 2 Listen - As u pray today, set aside your own ideas and start seeking the wisdom of God. God's wisdom is the key that will unlock every door in your life. It will turn every failure into success. Lay out the entire problem b4 the Lord. Listen 4 the Spirit of God 2 advise u. Then act on the wisdom God gives u. Spend some time listening what God has 2 say about your situation. It is the only thing that can permanently solve the problem u have been facing. God has given u a precious gift, so seek His wisdom today.
James 1:5 - If any of u lacks Wisdom, let him ASK of God, who gives 2 all liberally and w/o reproach, and it will be given 2 u. But ASK in Faith, with no doubting, 4 he who doubts is like a wave of the Sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 4 he is a 'double-minded' man, unstable in all his ways.
06May - Put the Word Into Action - If u want your deeds 2b blessed, if u want 2C supernatural results in your life, u will have 2 do more than simply read the Word of God. You will have 2 put it into action. Make a quality decision 2 step out in faith on every command u C in the Word. Keep on reading and studying the Bible and listen 2 teaching tapes. God 2 church and hear the Word preached or from TV, fill ur soul with His words. Go one crucial step further by taking the Word u have heard and put it into action!
Matthew 7:24 - "There4 whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him a wise man who built his house on the rock;...
07May - The Grace of Giving - The next time the offering plate is passed, dont just drop your gift carelessly in the plate as it goes by. How u give is a matter of deep concern 2 God. God refused 2 receive Israel's offerings in Malachi bcoz they were bringing Him defective animals. Do u reverence God at offering time today? Worship Him w/your money. Be thankful. Determine 2 obey God. He will do more than simply receive your offering. He will open the windows of blessing on u.
2Corinthians 8:7 - But as u abound in everything--in Faith, in Speech, in Knowledge, in all Diligence, and in your Love 4 us--C that u abound in this Grace also.
08May - Keep Quiet -Develop the quiet art of the wise man. when the Holy Spirit gives u discernment about a situation, don't go spreading it all over town. If u do, u will come 2 the place where the Lord cannot trust u w/revelation and insight into things and situations. U can lose your effectiveness as an intercessor if u do not keep the discernment about others between u and God. When God shows u a problem, in someone's life, a weakness or need, pray 4 that person. Do not let the devil harm your prayer life and ministry 2 others by not keeping quiet!
Proverbs 29:11 - A fool vents all his feelings (emotions), But a wise person holds them back.
09May - The Father's Heart - How much love do u have 4 sinners? There is a whole world full of weary people out there who have not yet found the embrace of the Father. They are more than just 'sinners'--they are our potential brothers/sisters/family. God wants u 2 have His heart 4 those who are lost. He wants u 2 have the kind of heart He had 4 u when u were still wandering in sin, when u were still covered w/the grime of sin. Do not turn ur nose up at the lost ones in need of a loving Father. Receive His heart today.
Luke 15:20 - "And he arose and came his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
10May - Head 4 the Light - IF u need insight on some problem or situation u are facing, pay attention 2 the Word. Do not focus your attention on the problem. The Apostle Paul says 2 take heed (or focus your attention) on the written Word of God until the answer 2 that problem dawns on u thru the light of revelation. Head 4 the Light and the answer u need will dawn on u. The brightness of the Light will drive out the confusion of the darkness. God's Word will bring u insight into the situation. So if u have a problem today, head 4 the Light!
2Peter 1:19 - We also have the prophetic word made more sure, which u do well 2 heed as a Light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
11May - Never Fall - If u want the kind of faith that will keep u on your feet when others are falling around u, u need 2 take some action where the Word is concerned. Real faith involves action according 2 James 2:20. Get serious about the Word of God. Study it. Go hear it preached. Confess it. When a time of trouble comes, u will be able 2 stand. Becoming a diligent workman will cause the devil 2 look at u w/fear and say, "There's one believer who is not playing games anymore!"
2Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent 2 present yourself approved 2 God, a worker who does not need 2b ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
12May - River of Revelation - Be a doer of God's revelations and not a hearer only. Revelation is most prolific when u are acting on the Word. James says 2 not only hear God's Word but 2 DO IT! Open God's Word anew today. Be expectant that u will receive fresh revelation. Commit 2 Him 2 follow it up w/actions of obedience. The things God reveals 2 u are very significant in the spiritual realm. Your river of revelation will never go dry as u become a doer of His Word [Instructions].
James 1:22 - But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
13May - Take Your Place - Fellowship w/your Heavenly Father around the Word and discover who u really are today. U will begin 2 know the 'power outflowing from His resurrection." U will develop Joy. U will develop Faith. U will start developing God's own characteristics. The Bible says 2 'clothe yourself w/the Lord Jesus Christ." U can freely give what God has freely given 2 u. Instead of begging 4 a little touch from Jesus, let His very life flow out 2 others. U will give the devil a real scare as u learn 2 take your place in the Lord!
Note: When we Take, it comes 'down', when Giving, it goes 'UP'.
Philippians 3:10 - .. that I may know Him and the power of His Resurrection, and the Fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed 2 His Death.
14May - Priorities of Prosperity - Make pleasing God your number one priority. Set your eyes on Him above all else. His plan 4 u is 2 have all your needs met according 2 His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God is not against u having money. He is against u making it your priority and putting your trust in it instead of Him. God is so generous that He desires u have the best on this earth, just as u desire the best 4 your children. Get in on that plan by keeping your priorities straight. Seek HIM first and His righteousness.
Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve 2 masters, 4 either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal 2 the one and despise the other. U cannot serve God and money.
15May - Don't Forget the Joy - To walk in Faith and Love are 2 important decisions in your life, but don't 4get the force of Joy! Joy is an essential part of a life of Victory. According 2 Nehemiah, Joy is what gives u the strength 2 hold steady when the circumstances get rough. Joy gives u the ability 2 laugh in the devil's face when he starts trying 2 knock u off your faith. It gives u a staying power that will make u a winner again and again. Make it a point 2 rejoice in the Lord always...and there will not be anything the devil can do or say 2 steal your victory from u!
Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
16May - Step Out of the Boat - Are u so afraid of making a mistake that u never get around 2 stepping out in faith? Do u wonder, "Is this faith or is it presumption? What if I exercise my faith 4 something and later find out I have missed God's will?" Do not worry. God can handle any mistake u can make. If u act on the Word out of sincerity of your heart and if u will steadfastly stay w/the Word, Jesus will never let u down! Do not let fear keep u from taking that step of faith. It is better 2 risk presumption than 2 waste your life in the boat of unbelief and doubts. Step out of that boat/box today!
Matthew 14:28-29 - And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is U, command me 2 come 2 U on the water." So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water 2 go 2 Jesus.
17May - Walk in the Light U Have - Are there spiritual things u do not yet understand? Are there great revelations that u have not had? Remember, it is not those things that are most likely 2 destroy u. It is the things u 'know' 2 do--but do not--that usually make u fail. God will C 2 it that u walk in Victory if u continue in what u know. Do not fail 2 walk in the revelation God has already given u. Be faithful in those things u have already learned. Keep studying the Word. Keep learning. As u walk in the light u have day-by-day, u will come forth Victorious. God will C 2 that!
2Timothy 3:14 - But as 4 u, continue in the things which u have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom u have learned them,..
18May - He Will Be Listening - Do u sometimes feel u are just limping along in your prayer life praying the same old prayers, half-hoping those prayers are heard and half-suspecting they are not? Is God listening 2 your prayers? God has promised 2 listen 2 prayers according 2 His will. First, roll up your sleeves and dig into the Word. Pray the Scriptures that apply 2 your personal situation. Then let the Holy Spirit help u develop your petition in detail. Listen while u pray. God wants 2 reveal His heart 2 u. Last of all, write your prayers down along w/the impressions and ideas He gives u. Present your petition. He is listening!
I John 5:14-15 - "Confidence and Compassion in Prayer - Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ASK ANYTHING according His Will, He hears us. And if we KNOW that He hears us, whatever we ask, we KNOW that we have the Petitions that we have asked of Him.
19May - Don't Waste Time Wondering - Do not waste time wondering if your prayers are in line w/God's will. Get the Word out and base your prayers on it. Find out what the will of God is thru the B.I.B.L.E. God has made some very specific promises in His Word and it is His will 2 fulfill every one of them in your life. The Bible is the last will and testament of Jesus Christ. It is a record of your Inheritance. The Bible says God is the same yesterday, today and 4ever. He is never going 2 change! Rest assured u can trust His Word!
Ephesians 5:17 - Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
20May - Free From the Curse - The 'moment' u made Jesus Christ Lord of your life, u were delivered from the lordship of satan. U were RE-deemed from the Curse. [RE-deemed means rescued or RE-stored, meaning 'again' or a previous state.] The curse is still all around u, but now u have a choice. U have authority over it in the Name of Jesus, so u can stand against it. Jesus has set u Free from the curse! God sent Jesus RE-deem u from that curse. Now u must appropriate what has already been done 4 u. No longer do u have 2 bow your knee 2 satan or who he tries 2 use against u. Choose 2b Free from the curse!
Galatians 3:13 - Christ has REdeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse 4 us (4 it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree").
21May - Possess Your Promised Land - God has given u a promised land. As u study the Word of God, u will find an accurate description of the kind of Victory u should be experiencing in Christ--not in the sweet by-and-by, but right here, right now. U may be experiencing sickness, oppression and fear right now saying, "This does not look much of a promised land 2 me!" That is bcoz u are still letting the devil live there. Kick him out of your promised land! God has given u power over him. He is totally disarmed thru Jesus' Death, Burial and Resurrection. Do not receive the devil's empty threats. Start possessing your promised land!
Numbers 33:51-53 - "Speak 2 the children of Israel, and say 2 them: "When u have crossed the Jordan intyo the land of Canaan, 'then u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from b4 u, destroy all their graved stones, destroy all their molded images, and demolish all their high places; 'u shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, 4 I have given u the land 2 possess..
Numbers 33:51-53 - "Speak 2 the children of Israel, and say 2 them: "When u have crossed the Jordan intyo the land of Canaan, 'then u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from b4 u, destroy all their graved stones, destroy all their molded images, and demolish all their high places; 'u shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, 4 I have given u the land 2 possess..
22May - Silence the Critics - When people start riding u about living the faith life, be like Jesus and just keep on blessing the people. Keep on praying 4 others. keep on laying hands on the sick. Keep on doing what God has called u 2 do! The devil wants u 2 get wrapped up in all the criticism so he can distract u and get your MIND off what u know u are 2 do. U can silence the critics by not arguing w/them or defending yourself. Keep quiet and continue the good works God has called u 2 do. When all their foolish words have faded away, u will still be standing strong.
I Peter 2:15 - For this is the will of God, that by doing good u may put 2 silence the ignorance of foolish men..
I Peter 2:15 - For this is the will of God, that by doing good u may put 2 silence the ignorance of foolish men..
23May - The Bridegroom Cometh - The Spirit of God is delivering a vital, urgent message 2 u today: Get ready 4 Jesus' return! As a child of the Light, u will not be taken by surprise [bcoz u had "prepared' (like mega cooking in advance)]. U may not know the day or the hour, but u can sense the season of Jesus' return has come. Do not get caught sleeping when Jesus returns. The Holy Spirit will get u ready as u listen 4 the announcement of His return. Can u hear it in your spirit? Can u sense the Lord calling 4 u 2 fellowship w/Him now, 2 walk in the light now? Obey Him quickly. Behold, the bridegroom cometh! Do not be caught unaware like the millions will, prepare now 4 it. (The ANT)
Matthew 25:6 - "And at midnight a cry was heard; 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming.; go out 2 meet Him!'
Matthew 25:6 - "And at midnight a cry was heard; 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming.; go out 2 meet Him!'
24May - Sure 2 Win In Him - Be prepared the next time satan comes at u w/Doubt, Unbelief and Condemnation. Be ready (prepared) 2 fight back w/the Scriptures about who u are IN Jesus. In HIM, u are raised up from your sins. In HIM, u are made 2 sit in heavenly places. In HIM, u are made the righteousness of God. Let those truths get down in your spirit man, deep down inside of u. U will have some powerful ammunition against the attacks of satan. Once u get the revelation of who u are IN Christ Jesus, your life will be revolutionized! U will be a Winner!
Ephesians 2:11-13 - Therefore remember that u, once Gentiles in the flesh--who are called UNcircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands--that at that time u were w/o Christ, being aliens from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of Promise, having no HOPE and w/o God in the world. But now IN Christ Jesus u who once were far off have been made near by the Blood of Christ.
Ephesians 2:11-13 - Therefore remember that u, once Gentiles in the flesh--who are called UNcircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands--that at that time u were w/o Christ, being aliens from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of Promise, having no HOPE and w/o God in the world. But now IN Christ Jesus u who once were far off have been made near by the Blood of Christ.
I Corinthians 15:34 - Awake 2 righteousness, and do not sin; 4 some do not have the Knowledge of God. I speak this 2 your shame.
26May - Discover What the Name Can Do - Discover what the exalted Name of Jesus can do 4 u today. It is more than just a word. His Name is a force that can cause every circumstance and every demon standing in your way 2 bow it's knee. Just the Name alone is effective when spoken by a Word-abiding believer. Begin 2 speak that Name w/confidence and authority. When an evil spirit is trying 2 bring sickness, poverty and depression into your household, just point your finger at him and say, "Jesus!" That is like throwing the whole Word of God in his face at one time.
Philippians 2:9-10 - Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is Above every name, that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on Earth, and of those under the Earth..
27May - God Wants U Well - Thank God 4 your healing--however it comes--and do not let satan put u under condemnation. It is God's Will 2 heal u. It is not contrary 2 the principles of Faith 2 use doctors and medicine when u need healing. Let peace be your umpire if u are not sure whether your faith is strong enough or whether u need a doctor's help. If fear rises within u when u think about doing w/o medical help, then go 2 a doctor. On the other hand, if u have a sure confidence within u that healing is yours strictly by Faith, let faith do its work and receive your healing. Either way, rejoice! God is meeting w/u at your level of Faith!
Exodus 15:26 -
28May - Receive the Man of God - Learn 2 receive the minister of God that Jesus sends 2 u w/the same respect and the same honor that u would give Jesus Himself. The ministers of the gospel are not your servants, they are God's servants. Pray 4 your preacher if u think his doctrine is wrong. Whether they are right or whether they are wrong, love them and respect them, if 4 no other reason than 2 honor the One who sent them. Refuse 2 let criticism hold back the Anointing of the precious Holy Spirit. The Anointing of God will be released thru the man of God 2 YOU!
John 13:20 -
29May - Don't Hesitate - Kick the habit of hesitation today. When doubt comes 2 your mind, cast it out quickly. Hesitation is one of the most hazardous habits u could ever have. It comes from being Indecisive. (The Phlegmatic type) When God speaks, don't waste a moment. Step right out in faith. Make a solid decision 2 trust in and act on the Word of God. U cannot make any progress if u are busy going back and forth between faith and fear. U can always keep the devil a step behind u when u step out in faith quickly!
James 1:6-8 -
30May - Tell The GOOD News - Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has cleansed and forgiven and restored 2 Himself every man, woman and child on the face of this earth. Romans 5:10, "when we were enemies, we were reconciled 2 God by the death of His Son." Reconciled is past tense. God has already restored fellowship between Himself and the World. That is the good news God has given us. That is the Word we need 2 share w/those who are lost.
31May -Live in Power - Do u want 2 know how 2 overcome sin in your life today? U cannot overcome sin by trying 2 stop sinning. U overcome it by walking after the new life God has put within u. Sin will separate u from the power of God even though u are born again. The Resurrection life within u will lay dormant if u walk in sin. by spending TIME in the Word and in Prayer, u can overcome! As u do that, God will strengthen u and enable u put sin under your feet. Take the initiative 2 subdue those old fleshly habits. The Resurrection life of God will flow out of u 2 help u when u do!
Romans 6:4 -
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