This will be the last month of SUMMER and what a summer it has been. Many times our fears are nothing more than a shadow that we fear but it never harms us! Next time u and I think of a fear, let us remember that a shadow cannot hurt us!
Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin by Bill and Marsha Burns
As a new Season comes 2 a close and the next is about 2 begin in our lives, let's not forget 2 glean all the good we have learned even from a difficult time in our life, and hold on 2 the new experiences we added 2 the pages of our book...called our LIFE. Let this September month of encouragement bless u! Here u will find a collection of 'help' from the things I have learned, was reminded of, or appreciated in receiving, good information should never be put away on a dusty shelf 2b forgotten, no! But 2 be passed on 2 someone who may need help themselves. Be blessed!
01SEP - My people, be alert 2 instructions that I will bring that will position u 4 a change in spiritual seasons. I will soon bring an announcement thru the voices of My prophets. But, u also must be aware that as certainly as I speak 2 u thru the prophets, the devil will speak a counterfeit word thru false prophets. U must test the spirits and discern truth from error. My word will bear witness 2 your spirit, says the Lord. Gullibility comes thru trusting people 2 much. Trust only Me.
Romans 9:1 - I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit.
Autumn Leaves Whimsy
01SEP - Perseverance Gets Results - Perseverance is the key 2 success in intercession. Laying down your life in prayer is necessary 4 God's will 2b accomplished. Demonic forces keep God's will from being accomplished in people's lives. These forces must be broken down thru prayer so strongholds are destroyed and spiritual blinders are removed from the spiritual eyes of people. God will not go against someone's will but He will move thru your intercession 2 reveal Himself 2 them. Persevere till u C results!
Luke 11:8 - "I say 2 u, tho he will not rise and give 2 him, bcoz he is his friend, yet bcoz of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.
02SEP - Refuse 2b offended or take what other people say as a personal attack against u. The enemy would have u respond in ways that will open the door 2 a greater assault. Forgive quickly and move on. Don't dwell on the things that have gone wrong, but rather take the time 2b thankful. It is of vital importance that u keep your focus on things that really matter, says the Lord.
Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
Autumn Reflection
02SEP - Go 4 Revelation Knowledge - If u need something from God, determine right now that u are going 2 meditate on the Word 'until' u get a revelation. Knowledge that has been revealed directly 2 your heart by the Spirit of God is called Revelation Knowledge. The Word will 'light up' your heart if u meditate on it enough. It will absolutely revolutionize your life. Keep that Word b4 u 'until' u receive a revelation of Jesus as your Healer or your Deliverer or your Financier--whatever u need Him 2b. Do not settle 4 a shallow 'mental' understanding of Him. Get a revelation!
2 Peter 1:2,3 - Grace and Peace be multiplied 2 u in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His Divine power has given 2 us all things that pertain 2 life and godliness, thru the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.
03SEP - God's Country - The next time u are tempted 2 look at situations in this country as impossible, remember 2 Whom it belongs. This country belong 2 God! God Himself stirred the heart and mind of Christopher Columbus and planted within him the dream of charting a new course 2 the West. God brought Columbus 2 America! He had a special purpose 4 America from the very beginning. God needed a country where the gospel could be preached freely and not suppressed. Remember, God's purposes will be fulfilled in this country. It belongs 2 Him!
Luke 18:27 - But He said [Red] "The things which are impossible w/men are possible w/God."
04SEP - Let God Be Glorified - God is no respecter of persons. His Word works 4 everyone. It is how it is received that makes the difference. In other countries where people are not bound by religious traditions, they do not argue w/the Word of God. They simply believe the messenger who tells them Jesus came deliver them of sin, sickness and death. They believe w/child-like faith. When we learn 2 hear the Word of God like that, the same thing will happen 2 us. God gets glory when the blind C and the lame walk and the maimed are made whole! Do not let tradition keep God from being glorified.
Matthew 14:14; 15:30,31 - And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved w/compassion 4 them, and healed their sick. (15) Then great multitudes came 2 Him, having w/them those who were lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others, and they laid them down at Jesus' feet, and He healed them. So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.
05SEP - Start SPEAKING Faith Now - Speaking words of faith is good spiritual exercise. If u will meditate on those words and continue 2 say them, the truth will begin 2 sink in. They will take root in your heart and begin 2 grow. Eventually, u really will be speaking from the abundance of your heart. It takes faith and words 2 put the law of faith in motion. It is the words that come from the heart that produce results. When that happens, it will not matter what u have been believing 4, the devil himself will not be able 2 talk u out of it!
Matthew 12:34-37 - "Brood of vipers! How can u, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the Heart the Mouth speaks. "A good man out of the good treasure of his Heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. "But I say 2 u that 4 EVERY 'idle' [speaking w/o thinking] word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. "For by your WORDS u will be justified, and by YOUR words u will be condemned."
05SEP - Arise, My people, and come forth from the darkness. For, indeed these last days are evil days and darkness prevails thru-out the land. It is time 4 u 2 rise and shine 4 your light has come and Christ, the resurrected one, comes 2 u as the Light of the world. And, as He touches u and teaches u and leads u, u also become the light of this world. So, do not hide the light that u have, even in this present time, under a basket, but allow the resurrected One, the Holy One, 2 touch u and cause your light 2 shine brightly in these last days. For the light that shines thru u in these last days will become a beacon 2 others. Others will find themselves coming out of the darkness and coming into the light-the light that shines upon u and thru u. So do not discount yourself. Become that which has been written about u, says the Lord.
05SEP - Beloved, I have called u 2b My witnesses, says the Lord. Be aware, however, that it is hypocritical 2 only speak the truth w/o demonstrating the kingdom. The greatest witness is that of example, and it is more crucial than ever that u be an example of your faith in every detail. Let your behavior become a model that others can follow.
Matthew 7:21 - "Not everyone who says 2 Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say 2 Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare 2 them, 'I never knew u; depart from Me, u who practice lawlessness!'"
06SEP - Be aware that stagnation is a weapon formed against u. Rise up in absolute resistance 2 defeat this attack. Stir yourself up 2 greater freedom in the Spirit. This is time of a new order of things, and u must make yourself ready 2 receive the new wine of revelation 4 the days ahead. Make yourself a new wineskin thru your flexibility 2 move w/the flow of My Spirit and your willingness 2 receive this great refreshment, says the Lord.
Mark 2:22 -"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins."
6SEP - Under Pressure? Plant! - Jesus has the answer if u feel like u are under pressure these days. U can give your way right out from under the pressure the devil brings 2 bear. Giving is always Jesus' way out. Jesus compares the entire Kingdom of God 2 a SEED. Every living thing on this Earth came from a SEED. When satan puts u under pressure, go 2 Jesus and let Him tell u how and where 2 plant. If u will do that, the SEED will grow up until it breaks the power of darkness and lack. Plant your Time, your Money, even your Clothes! Put the devil under pressure 4 a change!
Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; 4 whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
07SEP - I am stirring up your sense of adventure and expectation 4 that which is yet 2b discovered in the realm of the Spirit. Don't waste this opportunity 2 position yourself 2C, understand, and move in the fresh anointing that is being made available 2 u. Let this stirring have it's way w/your spirit 2 awaken and prepare u 2 come up higher and 2 exercise your faith 2 receive all that I have 4 u, says the Lord.
Isaiah 42:13 - The LORD shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies.
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07SEP - Strike It Rich - Are u tired of poverty hanging around u? Let the Truth of Galatians 3:14 grow in your heart, "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's SEED, and HEIRS ACCORDING 2 THE PROMISE." The reality of that verse can connect u 2 the power of God. God has already REdeemed u from the Curse of poverty. Deuteronomy 28 says, "U are Blessed in the city, Blessed in the country. Blessed going out, Blessed coming in. Blessed in your barns [possessions/finances], Blessed in your fields [Your skills/talents], Blessed in all the Works-of-your-hands." Put the Blessing of Deuteronomy 28 in your heart and say w/your MOUTH out loud 'until' your Mr Mind believes it. U will C the Results of Victory in your life w/o fail!
Galatians 3:29 - And if u are Christ's, then u are Abraham's seed, and heirs according 2 the PROMISE.
08SEP - You are nearing the end of an era, a period of time marked by a greater level of discernment and the ability 2 express what u discern w/clarity. Even tho that season is ending, u will not lose the spiritual acuity that you've gained. Instead, u will build on that foundation of precision and have opportunities 2 expand spiritually and apply that new level of discernment 2 every area of your existence. U will need 2 look deeply into the details of every situation w/o fear of recrimination. The more honest and accountable u are, the better able u will be 2 C and accept the truth. The keys 2 discovery are flexibility and transparency, says the Lord.
John 8:32 - "And u shall know the truth, and the truth [u understand] shall make u free."
08SEP - Plant a SEED and Watch It Grow! - If u are facing a need, Do not panic ... plant a SEED! God's economy is always the same and it always works perfectly. If u have good earth [soil], good seed [a good place 2 plant ur seed] and good water [your thankfulness 2 God in faith standing on believing until u C results], u are going 2 have growth. Your SEED may take the form of money or time or some other resources u have 2 give. Just make sure u put life in it by giving it Faith and surrounding it w/Praise [thankfulness] and worship. Plant your SEED and watch it grow!
Mark 4:30-32 - "The Parable of the mustard SEED" - And He said, "To what shall we liken the Kingdom of God? Or w/what parable shall we picture it? "It is like a mustard SEED which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the SEEDS on Earth; "but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade."
eyeful breathtaking Autumn Change
09SEP - Watch 4 the signs in the natural that I will both reveal and confirm the changes in the spirit realm that are about 2 take place. These changes will position u 4 what is in store 4 u in the next leg of your journey. U are about 2 embark on an adventure that will take u higher and result in closer relationship 2 Me, says the Lord. It will be a ride that u will never 4get; it will be both challenging and exhilarating. Get ready!
Psalms 84:5 - Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
09SEP - Exercise Your Rights - Once u receive Jesus as Lord of your life, all the rights and privileges God originally intended u 2 have are restored. Fellowship w/God, health and prosperity are restored.. but YOU are the one who has 2 exercise those rights! The devil is an outlaw and even tho Jesus has taken away his authority in the earth, even tho he has no legal right 2 kill or steal from u, he will do it anyway... as long as u will let him get away w/it. Resist the devil w/all u have got. He will have 2 flee when u exercise your rights in the Name of Jesus!
Isaiah 53:5 - But He was wounded 4 our transgressions [wrongs/sins/mistakes], He was bruised 4 our iniquities [sins pasted down 2 us by our former generations]; The chastisement [correction/love] 4 our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we 'were/are' healed.
10SEP - His Still Small Voice - God has not given the sweet TENDER Holy Spirit 2 just a few special Christians. He has given Him 2 u! And if u will learn 2b sensitive 2 His Voice, He will guide u into all Truth. Start turning your ear 2 His still small voice "within u." Think about how different your life would be if u knew the truth of God about 'every' situation. U can be on the keen edge of what God is saying as u honor and welcome His guidance into yoru everyday affairs. Listen 4 His promptings and be quick 2 obey His Instructions He gives. He is ready 2 speak 2 u now!
I John 2:27 - But the Anointing which u have received from Him abides in u, and u do not need that anyone teach u; but as the same Anointing teaches u concering all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught u, u will abide in Him.
Note: It is not hard 2 learn when God is speaking 2 u. At first u are not sure if it is your own voice or His. But so often times, we as human beings are 'comfortable' in calling ourselves names when we make a mistake or the 'negative talk' we speak 2 our own self about. There4, it comes easy when we can 'know' God's tender sweet Voice, it is at the times that GREAT encouragement, help, goodness, and ALL wonderful things come 2 our HEART. It 'seems' that it is in our MIND, but really it comes in our heart.
That is where God talks 2 us. One important thing that is relevant 2 mention is that the easiest time 2 'hear' the Holy Spirit is when we are CALM or Resting. When we are busy or we are stressed, we are unable 2 hear Him. But once we just decide 2 calm down and turn 2 Him 4 help, we are able 2 relax again. Sometimes His voice comes from reading something in a favorite book or the Word of God captures your attention and it is as if something just 'jumps' out at u, or u have 2 re-read it 2 make sure u 'see' what u just read.
Many times God's voice comes from a friend or a voice we trust or are at peace with. God has many ways He can speak 2 us. My favorite is when He speaks 2 my heart, I can always tell when He is near me bcoz sweet tears begin 2 form or flow.. I am sure there are more ways we can learn the Voice of God, but in all of them, He waits until we are ready 2 receive. So that is another food-4-thought, we must be willing 2 receive from Him. Like when someone we do not know gives us a gift of which we are not sure about, we are reluctant...but the great feeling it brings makes us understand it came w/o price, just bcoz we are loved!
We must remember as a Father, Papa-God loves 2 spoil us with all types of Instructions, Gifts and Knowledge that will help us on our Journey called Life. With anything, it takes practice, so do not be hard on yourself and 'try' 2 hard 2 hear. God is so great, He repeats Himself if u missed it. He knows your heart.
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Psalms 33:10 - Many sorrows shall be 2 the wicked; But he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him.
12SEP - Arise My children 4 it is time 4 u 2 rise and shine in the kingdom of the Father. It is time 4 u 2b fully equipped. I have been teaching u, leading u, and guiding u. Now it is the time of application. It is time 4 u 2 apply that which u have learned. Begin 2 apply by faith My word 2 every circumstance. Learn 2 apply by faith the words that I give u so that they will become a light unto your path. Let your faith now arise and come higher. Begin 2 exercise that spiritual muscle that I have given 2 u. Learn 2 walk by faith and believe w/a faith that is greater than u have ever exercised b4. Your faith will come by hearing and by hearing the word of the Lord and your faith will work thru the love of Jesus Christ. Allow faith 2 become the substance of the things that u hope 4. Let is become the evidence of that which u cannot perceive or C. Allow it 2 become a witness 2 u that I am indeed w/u and I will bring u thru 2 victory as u walk w/Me in this season of Glory, says the Lord.
12SEP - Refuse 2 evaluate the details of your circumstances according 2 how u feel. I am doing a new thing, and that which u will be required 2 release is not a loss but is necessary and beneficial 2 u in the grand scheme of things. This is not a time of mourning, but a time of rejoicing at being established solidly on spiritual ground so that u will be able 2 progress rapidly from here, says the Lord. Lift up your head and set your heart on pilgrimage.
Luke 21:28 - "Now when these things begin 2 happen, look up and lift up your heads, bcoz your redemption draws near."
12SEP - Change The Image - Look at the promises of God in the Word 'UNTIL' w/your 'inner' eyes--the eyes of your spirit--a PICTURES is formed. It takes time 2 change an inner image. Remember, it is Faith that changes things and w/o the inner image of Hope, Faith cannot work. Go 2 the Word of God today and begin 2 change the images inside u. Change them from images of despair 2 images of Hope. Get a 'blueprint' in your Heart and your Faith will build on it!
Romans 8:24,25 - For we were saved in this Hope, but Hope that is seen is not Hope; 4 why does one still Hope 4 what he sees? But if Hope 4 what we do not C, then we eagerly wait 4 it w/perseverance.
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13SEP - I will cause u 2 C and understand the limitations of your responsibilities w/more clarity. This is so that u do not intrude or try 2 exercise your authority beyond the limits of your duty. It is My desire 4 u, My children, 2 assume your rightful place w/o causing confusion or overstepping your boundaries. U will have opportunities 2 determine those things that are yours 2 do and those things that are not. Walking in the Spirit will reveal your course of action in every situation, says the Lord. Be sensitive 2 My leading.
Joel 2:7 - They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war; every one marches in formation, and they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; every one marches in his own column. Thou they lunge between the weapons, they are not cut down.
13Sep - Real Intercession - The Lord is looking 4 people who are bold enough, committed enough 2 go 2 prayer 4 others. Real intercession is going 2 the Lord and going up against the devil on behalf of someone else. The next time someone does u wrong, do not ask God 2 knock him in the head. Consider the fact that God loves him enough 2 die 4 him/her and someone out there may be praying 4 his or her salvation. so begin 2 pray 4 him/her instead of against that person, uniting your prayer w/whomever else may be praying on their behalf. The next time u are tempted 2 clobber somebody, dare 2 change his life instead!
Isaiah 59:16 - He saw that there was no man, And wondered that there was no intercessor; There4 His own arm brought salvation 4 Him; And His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
Photography in Beauty
14SEP - I want u, My people, 2 become first responders in the realm of the Spirit, so that your actions in response 2 the enemy's attacks are immediate and effective. Be aware that the longer u wait 2 resist and bind the powers of darkness, the more damage can be done. Your spiritual actions are vital 2 your freedom, says the Lord.
Luke 10:19 - Behold, I give u the authority 2 trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt u.
14Sep - Take Correction - There is one thing u can do that will accelerate your spiritual growth more than almost any other thing: Learn 2 take correction from the Spirit of God and from His people. Proverbs 1:7 says, "Only fools strike out at, or despise, correction." When your pastor or anyone else in the Body of Christ has a word of correction 4 u, receive it gratefully. Appreciate those who share the Wisdom of God w/u. Make up your mind 2b Teachable and receive correction. U will be able 2 grow in spiritual things more quickly! And bcoz God LOVES U, He keeps His eyes on u.
Proverbs 9:8,9 - "The Way of WISDOM" - Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate u; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love u. Give INSTRUCTION 2 a wise man [person], and he will be still wiser, Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
15Sep - In a vision I saw the priests of God carrying the Ark of the Covenant 2 the edge of the Jordan River as when the waters rolled back so that the Israelites could walk across. I realized that the people did not all cross at the exact same moment. There were those who were first 2 arrive on the other side of the river and the procession continued until they all crossed. In the same way we, the body of Christ, are not all in the same place in our walk w/the Lord. We are all at different stages of growth and understanding. And, the Lord said, "Some of u, My people, will move 2 a higher level in your spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. Those who are ready will be more aware than ever of the works of the enemy. I will begin 2 give u the faith and strategy 2 wage a good warfare, overcome, and gain the victory over every attack. Be bold, and do not be afraid."
Jeremiah 12:5 - If u have run w/the footmen, and they have wearied u, then how can u contend w/horses? And if in the land of peace, in which u trusted, they wearied u, then how will u do in the floodplain of the Jordan?
15Sep - How is Your Spiritual Maintenance? - Have u become so entangled w/the affairs of this life that u find yourself becoming a "maintenance man"? It is possible 2 have 2 maintain so many natural things in your life that u do not have any TIME left 2 maintain your own spirit! Natural things in your life can suffocate your spiritual life if u allow it. When u find yourself in that situation, it is time 2 simplify your life. Nothing is as important as spending TIME in Prayer and in the Word with your Heavenly Father-God! So, if there is something u want in your life, ask yourself if u can spiritually 'afford' it!
Mark 4:19 - "..and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires 4 other things entering in choke the Word, and it becomes Unfruitful...
16SEP - You, My people, will have 2 make a special effort 2 stay focused and not allow distractions 2 keep u from efficiency and effectiveness in the kingdom. There are any number of things that could take u off course or interrupt the flow of My Spirit in and thru u. Your concentration on your relationship w/Me is vital 2 your spiritual health, says the Lord. Rise above the issues of life and the cares of the world and trust Me 2 lead u in peace.
Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your heart w/all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
16Sep - Stand Up and Be Counted - Start praying now about the coming elections. Do not wait until election time is here b4 u start seeking God 4 whom 2 vote. U are commanded 2 pray 4 your country and leaders. But having prayed, God expects u 2 'act.' The elections in the United States are vital 2 the Future of this Nation. Thank the Spirit of god 4 His Wisdom concerning 4 whom u vote. Thank Him 4 giving u Wisdom 2 declare the Name of Jesus and declare that this shall be a God-indwelt, God-ordained, God-overseen administration. So register. Pray. Vote. Then stand up and be counted!
I Timothy 2:1-2 - You there4, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that u have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these 2 faithful men who will be able 2 teach others also.

Joshua 1:7-8 - "Only be strong and very courageous, that u may observe 2 do according 2 all the law which Moses My servant commanded u; do not turn from it 2 the right hand or 2 the left, that u may prosper wherever u go. "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but u shall meditate in it day and night, that u may observe 2 do according 2 all that is written in it. For THEN u will make your way PROSPEROUS, and THEN u will have Good Success.
18Sep - Why Did God Create You? - Dare 2 believe u are something really special today! U are on-of-a-kind creation made by God in His very own Image. U were made 2 have Fellowship w/God! God made u so He could give His Love 2 u. He does not want 2 dominate u. He wants 2 Love u! God wants 2 communicate w/u, 2 share His Heart w/u. Dare 2 receive God's LOVE today, and dare 2 Love Him back!
I John 1:3 - ... that which we have seen and heard we declare 2 u, that u also may have fellowship w/us; and truly our fellowship is w/the Father and w/His Son Jesus Christ.
19SEP - Well, what are u waiting 4, My people? Have I not spoken 2 u? Have I not come 2 u? Have u not felt the stirring and the moving in the Spirit of the living God? Do u not understand that these are unique times, that these are great times? These times will bring forth the manifestation of My presence and My kingdom. There4, I say again, why do u wait? Rise up and take your position in the kingdom. Rise up w/your faith and reach out 2 receive. Rise up and write your destiny upon the spiritual fabric of your existence. Come forth in this hour. Do not wait any longer. The glory of My kingdom is being poured out in a greater dimension than u have ever witnessed, says the Lord God Almighty.
19SEP - Beloved, set your heart on expansion. I want 2 liberate u from the limitations of religious confinement. I would have u open your heart and mind 2 receive greater revelation of the kingdom. Release yourself from concepts that limit truth 2 worldly concerns and self-focus. It is My desire 4 u 2 begin 2 C the larger picture of My kingdom in terms of ultimate purpose and destiny, says the Lord. This will broaden your horizons.
1 Corinthians 15:50 - Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
19Sep - A Word About Angels - Angels are real! If u are a believer, they are a vital part of your life. U have a right 2 expect angels 2 watch over u and protect u bcoz u belong 2 God! Angels are at work today just as they have always been. They have not retired. They have been at work down thru the ages taking care of God's people. Angels are not little fat babies w/long blonde hair and bows and arrows in their hands. They are BIG, Strong Warriors! God's promise 2 u is that your Heavenly Father has given u angel(s) 2 watch over u--so do not be afraid, stand fast! U will be watched over and kept in all of your ways!
Psalms 91:11 - For He shall give HIs Angels charge over u, To keep u in all your ways.
20SEP - Move quickly thru the responsibilities of this time, 4 u are transitioning into a new Season and a different set of circumstances. Clean up and clear out things that are no longer significant or relevant 2 your spiritual growth and kingdom position. Deal w/distractions that keep u from complete concentration [FOCUS] on being yoked w/ME in kingdom work, says the Lord.
Matthew 11:30 - "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
20Sep - Time 2 Get Serious - When the devil launches a serious attack against your body, do not hesitate. Get serious about the Word. Put yourself under its constant care and it will take care of u. There are times when u will have 2b downright extreme about the Word of God. U may be facing a sickness so severe that u will need more than just a few moments in the Word and a quick prayer 2 receive your healing. U have 2b serious about the Word if u are going 2 live in Divine Health! Continually consider Jesus until THOUGHTS of Him push the thoughts of that sickness [problems/fears/worries] right out of your mind!
Psalms 63:1,6 - "Joy in the Fellowship of God" - O GOD, U are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts 4 You; My flesh longs 4 You, In a Dry and Thirsty land where there is no water. When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches... Bcoz You have been my Help.

2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith [Faith is Confidence IN God], not by sight.
21Sep - Unity of Faith - It is time 2 walk in LOVE. IT is time 2 walk in Unity of the Faith. To be truly powerful in the Kingdom of God and 2b a real threat 2 the devil, u have 2 walk in unity w/other members of the Body-of-Christ. Refuse fall prey 2 division and isolation. U are not an island unto yourself. U cannot do anything w/o affecting other members. The Body of Christ is held together by God and one another. The Body must grow up together unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-14 - And He Himself gave some 2b Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers, 4 the equipping of the saints 4 the work of ministry, 4 the edifying of the Body of Christ, til we all come 2 the Unity of the Faith and the Knowledge of the Song of God, 2 a perfect man, 2 the Measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed 2 and from and carried about w/every wind of doctrine, by the Trickery of men in the cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait 2 deceive...
22SEP - Practice discernment and exercise your faith. Your awareness is like a muscle that can be developed w/use. Don't be afraid 2 activate your spiritual acuity in everyday situations and circumstances. This is a season when u can operate in spiritual gifts at a higher level than u ever thought possible. Prepare yourself by faith 2 hear My voice, 2 C visions, 2 dream dreams, and 2 have a heightened sense of your atmosphere and environment. Set yourself 2 receive all that I have made available t2 u, says the Lord. I AM w/u.
Acts 2:17-19a - And it shall come 2 pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall C visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath.
22Sep - A Little Every Day - There is no such thing as an overnight success in the Kingdom of God. Real strength and real growth come as u consistently and constantly keep the Word b4 your eyes, in your ears and in the midst of your heart. Make up your mind 2 begin the daily process of constant growth today. Determine 2 start putting the Word in your heart consistently. A SEED planted in the ground does not spring up in full growth overnight. It grows constantly, 24 hours a day. Your faith can be bigger than u ever dreamed it could be as u meditate daily in the Word and act on it regardless of how u 'feel'!
Luke 13:18-19 - Then He said, "What is the Kingdom of God like? And 2 what shall I compare it? "It is like a mustard SEED, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches."
23SEP - Trust Me in all things, and don't worry. Even when things are undone and seem chaotic, I AM w/u. I will lead u in the path of righteousness, and establish u on the road 2 destiny. When the world around you is inconsistent and unreliable, I am your place of stability. I will not leave u nor forsake u. I will remain faithful and perform My word, says the Lord.
Romans 8:28 -And we know that all things work together 4 good 2 those who love God, 2 those who are the called according to His purpose.
23Sep - Rekindle The Fire - Have u grown lukewarm toward God and His Word? Has the fire inside of u dwindled into a little flicker 4 the things of God? There is an answer. Rekindle the fire! God's Word says 2 draw near 2 Him and He will draw near 2 u. Delight yourself in His Word. Whatever has been stealing your TIME away from His Word must be removed. Become diligent again. IF u will give your attention 2 the things of God, soon your desire 4 God will increase. Pray in the Spirit again. Believe and act on the Word. That all-consuming fire can be yours again!
James 4:8 - Draw near 2 God and He will draw near 2 u. Cleanse your hands, u sinners: and purify your hearts, u double-minded.
24Sep - God's Will is Liberty [Freedom] - It is time 2 take up where Jesus left off and set the captives free. God wants people free! If u could put the will of God into one word, it would be liberty-- liberty from sins and sickness, poverty, oppression, and every other 'curse.' The Father's will is accomplished here on Earth thru u. Jesus said u would do His works and even greater! He has given u the Holy Spirit 2 empower u do His will. So quit questioning the will of God and start carrying it out. His will is liberty!
2 Corinthians 3:17 - Now the LORD is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty.
KellyDBrown Photography
25Sep - Move Closer Every Day - Right now, make a decision 2 give yourself 2 the things of God. Abiding in Jesus is not something that comes automatically. It is a life-style that involves discipline and effort. In this natural world, u are surrounded by ungodliness. U live in a body that is totally natural. Unless u purposely counter that w/daily prayer and time in the Word, your body and your Mr/Miss Mind will simply give in 2 the pressures around u and go the way of the world. U have 2 choose 2 give yourself 2 God, 2 give Him First Place. Move closer 2 Him today.
John 15:5 - "I AM the Vine, u are the branches, He who abides in ME, and I in him, bears much fruit: 4 w/o ME u can do Nothing.
26SEP - I hear the Lord say, rise up My people. Weave 4 yourself new garments in this season, 4 the kingdom of God is at hand. The glory of that kingdom shall become a covering 2 u and 2 those w/whom u walk. So cast off the old, 4getting those things which are behind, run the race quickly 2 that which is ahead. Come into this newness of time and into this Season w/strength, Joy and Peace. Most of all come w/a glorious expectation of My goodness, My presence and My power. For, surely I AM the Lord your God who 4gives all of your iniquities, heals all of your diseases, and provides all those things necessary 4 u. So arise 2 a new position of faith today and call [name] those things, which are not as those they were. Retain your joy and I say again rejoice. For, I have not left u, I have not 4gotten u, or forsaken u. And, it is true that I will be w/u always 2 lead and 2 guide u; 2 empower u and 2 teach u the things that pertain 2 the kingdom of God. For such is the time and such is the season. Come forth, My beloved, and be what u have been called b, says the Lord.
26SEP - Ho, warriors of the morning! Rise up against the enemy's onslaught and give him no ground 2 create confusion or infirmity [disease]. Refuse 2b distracted by his tactics. Stay on track w/your faith 2 overcome. U have all the power and authority necessary 2 gain the victory. Be strong, says the Lord. I am w/u.
Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded u? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, 4 the LORD your God is w/u wherever u go."
26Sep -Let Your New Man Out -When u made Jesus Christ Lord of your life, u became what the Bible calls a 'new creature." Inside , u are not the same person u were b4 or who u were at the moment of ur nature birth on earth. U now have the nature of God 'born' inside of u! With the help of the Holy Spirit, u can let the new nature inside u take over the outside as well. It will not happen automatically. U have 2w make a decision 2 bring your body into obedience 2 the new man within u. The Holy Spirit will give u the power 2 put sin out of your life and under your feet. Then the new man/woman inside u will begin 2 come out!
Romans 12:1- I beeseech u therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that u present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable 2 God, which[] is your reasonable service.
27Sep - Spiritual Armor 4 Spiritual War- Are u blaming circumstances and people 4 the problems u are having?
Do not waste your energy fighting natural conditions. There are supernatural powers 2 go 2 war against!
Ephesians 6 says that it is not a battle of flesh and blood, but of the spirit. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. "The air" (the Heavens around this Earth which is the atmosphere surrounding this planet) is where wicked spirits operate. Put on your spiritual Armor and wage war against the evil powers that 'try' 2 defeat u!
Ephesians 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places.
27SEP - There are things that u need 2 know b4 u can move forward, but don't push. Wait on Me, says the Lord, bcoz everything needs 2b in order and in perfect timing. Refuse 2 get frustrated when things aren't moving along as quickly as u would desire. Take a deep breath, rest in the assurance that I am in control, and trust Me. Everything will be all right.
Isaiah 40:31 - But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up w/wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
28SEP - Now is the time 2 resolve old issues b4 u move into the new season. I speak of such things as unforgiveness and bitterness against yourself and others. Allowing these things 2 exist in a fresh spiritual environment of possibilities would only pollute and defile clean and pristine opportunities. Enter this time w/a clean heart. Examine yourself 2 C if u are in faith and ready 2 receive all that I have prepared 4 u, says the Lord.
Psalms 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

I John 5:3 - For this is the Love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.
29SEP - Prepare your heart 2 come boldly into My presence. Refuse 2 allow anything at all 2 come between us. Now is the time 2 clear the spiritual air so that u can stand righteously b4 Me, says the Lord, made clean by the blood of Christ. Accept giveness and get ready 2 express the excellence of My kingdom in your mortal existence. Be done w/all things that have held u in bondage, and be free.
Philippians 2:13 - for it is God who works in u both 2 will and 2 do 4 His good pleasure.
JudeMcconkey Photography
29Sep - Dare 2 Decide - God has an inheritance 4 u, but He is not going 2 stuff it down your throat. he has given u a Truth from His Word that will revolutionize your life if u will pay attention 2 it. God has given u the right, the priviledge and the power 2 DECIDE. He has provided the power, His Name, the blood of Jesus and His Kingdom, but u have 2 decide 2 receive it. If u make a decision 4 God, He will back u 2 the hilt w/His power! There is no devil in hell big enough 2 stop u. Do not let fear hold u back. Make a quality decision 2 go 4 God. It is your choice!
Exodus 8:10 - So he said, "TOMORROW." And he said, "Let it be according your word, that u may know that there is no one like the LORD our God.
Proverbs 4:20 - My son/daughter, give attention 2 My Words; Incline your ear 2 My sayings.
30SEP - I was reminded of Psalms 84:5 - Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. And, I heard the Lord say: Take 2 the highway, the narrow road that leads 2 salvation. Refuse 2 sit down and become stagnant in your current spiritual condition. Challenge yourself 2 press on in the way of progression and mount up 2 greater heights in the realm of the Spirit. Set your heart on pilgrimage. The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of thorns, but the way of the upright is a highway. (Proverbs 15:19)
30Sep - Compassion in Action - Jesus has sent u 2 reach out and touch a love-starved world w/His compassion. That is the one thing people need more than anything else in the world. They need someome 2 reach out 2 them w/the compassion of God! Let God activate the compassion within u by spending time w/Him. U will begin 2 feel what God feels about the suffering of mankind. Follow Jesus' example. He met man's need by the power of God bcoz He was moved w/compassion 4 them. Stir up the compassion within u until the desire 2 C others set free becomes paramount in your thinking. U can be His compassion in action!
Matthew 9:36 - But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved w/compassion 4 them, bcoz they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
This has been a marvelous month! And now we must say bye 2 SUMMER and hello 2 sweet AUTUMN! May all your celebrations be sweet and blessed!